
Monday, October 12, 2009


so this morning my brother slammed my head into the back of a wooden chair because i called him a fat fat fattyyy, and it hurt. i cried a little, but then i stopped. it only hurt for a couple of seconds. so then i went into my room and covered my eye with eyeshadow and came back out and he thinks i gots me a blackeye. is that funny or what?? i told him i was going to have to take my senior pictures like this.. LOL! after he knocked my head into a chair i started acting all bratty because he took my spot, my blanket, my pillow, and threw my graphing calculator on the floor. i made this yodeling crying sound like "i want my spot BAAAYAYAYAAAAACK!" HAHA. so then i stomped my feets a lot, and he told me "you were raised wrong! you are a brat!" so i went in my room and turned up all of the bass on my itunes while i blasted animal collective's new cd, and stomped around. then i went back out into the living room and told him i was sry, and that i was so upset because he took my beauty!
dude...screw that other guysounds like a pretty funny story-how'd u turn the bass up...might be useful laterbut yeah...if lil bro does that again-whack him with the back of ur tv remote and tell him he has a boubous bubble butt.that should make 'im cry...for the black eye...rub some dirt on it.wear eyeshadowpersonally i think eyeshadow is attractive on a man (u r a guy right) and if i was a umm.if i was gay...i just might ask for your number
So... what exactly is your question?"Black eyes?"
Possibly."Is that funny or what?"
Potentially... but I guess I really had to have been there to fully appreciate it.

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