
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Broken toe??!!??

I broke my toe about 2 months ago. For two weeks, it was black and swollen and extremely painful. It got better but two days ago, I woke up and the toe is swollen and bruised again. It's even more painful now than it was. Is it possible that it never healed? Is it worth a trip to the doctor, because not much can be done for a broken toe. Thanks!
Been there done it. Broke toe once and doc first said to bathe in hot water and rub it better. After a few days of excrutiating pain rubbing it, went back and doc agreed to an x-ray. A%26E wanted to know why I had been rubbing it. They strapped it up with a lightweight splint and it healed - sort of. Whats wrong with a crooked toe anyway so long as it doesnt hurt. It works just as good as the other one.
Did you go to the doctor the 1st time?Did you wrap it up with tape ?If you didn't it can't heal on it's own.
You should have went to the doctor to begin with! Any bone that is broken needs medical attention from a licensed professional, even if it is a toe! Yes, they can still put a brace on it, i have seen them before, as well as on fingers. The reason why it gets worse after you sleep is because you cant control what you do with your foot when you toss and turn in bed, so your bones rub against each other and just cause it to not heal and also become more injured.
at this point if it has not healed i would tell you to visit your doctor..there is not much they can do for a toe but tape it to the next one but your may have not healed correctly casues problems at this point..they may have to re break it and set it correctly this time or you could have a small infection built up inside from the swelling...better to go and be safe then be sorry with more problems later
ouch see the doctor, strap it to the next toe.
I broke my pinky toe 3 weeks ago and went to the ER when it happened because I thought it was dislocated. But the x-ray showed it was broken almost in half and pointing to the side. They had to put it back in place and I have to have it buddy taped to my other toes at all times. I have been to the orthopedist twice and as of Monday you could still see the crack on both sides. If it doesn't heal after 8 weeks I may have to have a pin put in it.
Go to the doctor. They can do an x-ray and tell you what is going on. You may need surgery to correct it. It can effect how you walk etc. for the rest of your life if you don't get it fixed!
It's definately a doctor visit thing. You may have very serious damage which can effect how you walk. Plus your toes are important for your balance. Ignore the cyber badazzes and shmexberts who say "you can't do nothing for a broken toe". Nothing about broken bones in your toes or anywhere is a do it yourselfer deal.Go to the doctor and get it fixed the right way. I hope your toe gets better soon.

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