
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Broken Finger?

Long story short I punched a wall, yeah it was stupid. So that was a couple of hours ago and i think i hurt my pinky finger pretty bad. I have feeling and i can move it, every thing is fine except for the fact that it hurts and when i do move it, i have the most extreme pain i have ever experienced in my life. Is it broken, what should i do?
-No, sorry to say the Doctor isnt an option, Im a poor college student and i dont have insurance.
In all likelyhood you broke it. Option 1 is to 'buddy' tape it to the finger/fingers next to it.
Option 2 is to go to the pharmacy and buy a $2 finger guard or splint that slips over the broken finger. This is your best bet because it protects the finger from being bumped.You need to put ice packs on it for the 1st 24 hours. This will keep the swelling down and ease some of the pain.
Elevate your hand also as much as possible.
In a month or so it should be OK. If not, you might need to pawn your puter and go see the doc.
Good luck.
If you are a college student go to the medical on campus.
Bandage up so it don't move,will heal in 2 weeks.Good luck with school,broken finger.
Most colleges will have a free clinic students can go to. The ones that give a crap about their students anyway.There are also various free clinics you can go to, especially around urban areas.Some broken fingers can't heal on their own. Mine didn't. I had to have surgery.You can try taping it to your ring finger, icing it as often as possible to keep the swelling down, and avoiding any contact with it, but if it is in fact broken, you will have to find a way to get it x-ray'ed.

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