
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Burping loudly constantly...any medical conditions assoc. w/this?

I started burping very loudly and frequently a couple of years ago, and it has yet to cease. People are very amused by it because I am a female, but I have to admit that sometimes it gets frustrating. My doctor prescribed acid reflux medicine, but none of it (Zantac, Pepcid AC, etc.) has helped control my burping. I've also tried charcoal pills, but they had almost no effect either. I have a pretty healthy diet, I don't eat too many "airy" foods and I very rarely drink soda, so I don't think my problem pertains to my eating habits, either. I'm just confused as to why it happens so much, and whether or not there are any health consequences involved. Thanks for your help!
Burping or belching is most often caused by swallowed air, usually while eating or drinking. The sulfur belch has a distinct " rotten egg smell"which is cause by a sulfur dioxide -gas escaping to the air. Burping that occurs with other symptoms, such as pain, heartburn, nausea, a decreased appetite, or weight loss, may have a more serious cause. In this case that might indicate stomach or esophagus cancer. Gallstones or another problem with the gallbladder may cause burping that is worse after eating and occurs with pain in the upper right abdomen that spreads to the back or shoulder.Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) may cause burping and heartburn that gets worse when you bend over or lie down.
An ulcer may cause persistent burping, indigestion, and pain that comes and goes in the upper abdomen.Cancer of the stomach or esophagus may cause burping that occurs with nausea, decreased appetite, and persistent abdominal discomfort and fullness after eating.Other conditions that may cause burping include:Anxiety.
Slowed movement of food through the intestines (motility disorders).
Blocked passage of food through the stomach or intestines (bowel obstruction or gastric outlet obstruction).
A large collection of undigested material, such as food, hair, or swallowed objects in the stomach (gastric)GastritisIBS or irittable swallowing syndrome.Eating certain kinds of foods will cause burps. Such gasseous foods are onions, garlic, potatoes, chili beans potato chips or fried foods. and any dairy products such as cheese and milk. Eating a heavy meal would cause it.; as well as eating too fast. Alcohol esp beer can also cause belching or burping.
Burping is cause by swallowing excess has to find its way out again. You must swallow air when you drink or eat!!Excess air is actually trapped in your esophagus and not stomach...which is why it finds it's way up again, often beyond your control.Here is an interesting site on burping with some reasons as to allergies may be one you might want to explore! last two paragraphs may be of interest too!..
burp loud and long, if that's what it takes to get acid off your stomach. Try going back to the doctor to get some stronger meds. But be happy about your burping... because i rarely burp.. and it causes many problems. Also, find something about this situation that makes you laugh... and forget everybody else. IT's a good thing to burp. i promise good luck sweetheart
Burping occurs when undigestible food fermets and makes gas. You can either try Gas-ex or al onger way but no meds. Start leaving one big food item a week and see how much burping occurs. It will take some time before you will find, which food make you burp more, start eliminating from you diet, in addition all can cause you gas which may come out as a burp. If not released it can be very painful.
I have a friend who had this problem... everyone found her amusing, too.
She finally went to the Dr. and discovered she had an ulcer.
Have your Dr. check you out.
it is really have to go to a doctor. It might mean that you have the madness colone..that means ur always in a hurry and you want things you get mad allot?? somethings to do whith it is sighns of it!!feel srry for u it will stay wit u ur whole life!!
See Rosie C's answers...excellent..go to the doctor for tests. if you are overweight and stressed thats a factor too

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