
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Can anyone give me some information?

My friend has been dealing with a bad gallbladder for years. She's in pain every day because of it. She makes to much money to get insurance through the government but, can't aford to pay for insurance out of her own pocket.
Could someone please direct me to a site where she may be able to get help in removing this thing. Anything would be nice right now. No doctor is going to touch her w/o some kind of insurance. She does need help.
Does anyone know a doctor who will do the operation who she can make payments to. Or maybe some kind of afordable insurance.
For anyone who has ever delt with this pain, than you understand what she is going through. I've been through it myself, I know how bad it is.
Please, any information that anyone can provide would be better than nothing. She needs help now.
has she told the state she has a medical emergency? my sister had a brain tumor, and the state covered the surgery, but nothing else. I would also check the local county health departments, They have great resources. I feel her pain too. I had mine out in 1994! good luck. Have her stay away from any food or drink with acid. Soda, tomatoes, etc. They will make it flare up
oh..that's really bad.. ive encountered such a situation back then...//.. ahmm with regards to removing it... it would be the best to consult a doctor..go 2 d hospital and have it traced out.. you must be so alert with such a thing..i hope you could take good care of it... care always...i'll pray for oyu... good bye...nyt! ..:-)
This is something that has to be in your local place. How it is in my community isn't necessariily how it is in yours. You will need to contact every LOCAL social service agency. You will need to ask the individual hospitals is they have programs. Call EVERY DOCTOR, you may have a local dr. who will help. It's reasonable to assume that they won't take paymments but you need to ASK each one. There's a good chance one would help. When my mom had hers out she was in the hospital 2 weeks. Then years later when I had to have mine out they had developed better ways to do it through scopes. Sometimes people don't even have to spend the night at the hospital.
ya never know until you ask!
Some doctors will take a down payment and then let you make payments and most hospitals will let you make payments. My daughter had to have her tonsils removed and I didn't have insurance. I made a down payment to the doctor's office and then made payments after the surgery. I'm still making payments to the hospital. When she calls a doctor's office to ask about making payments, ask to speak to their accounts receivable department. The receptionist might say they don't take payments but not really know. If she can't get anywhere that way, she might want to try going to the emergency room. If she's already there then they might go ahead and do surgery. Of course, on the bad side, if they don't then she's stuck with an ER bill.

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