
Monday, October 12, 2009

Bloodshot eye recurring.?

A few weeks back I got a blood shot eye. I figure it was from lots of late night reading and nintendo playing.
But today I got it again in the same place (lower half , nose/inner corner area).
It just happened when I was cleaning the house.
Is this something that just happens every now and then or could it be a symptom of something else?
Sounds like you may have an allergy. Possibly to dust ( the dust mites). Does your eye get itchy as well? If so, its an allergy, you can go get drops at the store for that.
Go to your Dr if you really think you need to. Try the over the counter allergy drops first.
I have broken capillaries around my nose, I am wondering if it's genetic.maybe you should consult an eye Dr.
it is due to allergy may be due to dust your eyes are becoming red .Consult a doctor.

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