
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Can carple tunnel come back? Had surgery on both hands 3yrs ago. I'm using computer more & tingling is back

Sure, it's possible. Many people have had carpal tunnel surgeries that were considered failed attempts to resolve the problem, too. The pain in your hand could stem from anywhere along the course of the nerve. That means the problem could be in your wrist, your elbow, your shoulder, or even your neck! In fact, many, if not most, CTS symptoms are caused by a neck problem. You may benefit from having your neck (and/or your wrists, etc.) adjusted by a chiropractor. Plus, because you are using the computer more, this may be re-aggravating your wrist problems, especially since they have undergone surgery. Make sure your wrists are in the correct position while typing. Stretch the wrists and shake them out occasionally. Also try this exercise: place a rubber-band around the fingers and thumb of one hand, and keeping the fingers extended, open and close the hand repeatedly. Good luck.

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