
Monday, October 12, 2009

Boiling water burn?

I was making mac and cheese and spilled about a half of cup of boiling hot water on my thumb and it hurt so bad I started crying (I'm 25). It's red and blotchy, swollen, and hurts like hell. I'm icing it now, any other things I should do?
no ice this makes it worse.cold water is the best thing when you burn yourself - 20 minutes under the tap is ideal. never ice or vinegar or milk or butter.6 hours later now so i would advise that you cover the burnt area with sterile paraffin wax or aqueous cream bp or solugel. (thats in order of recommendation).cover the burnt area in paraffin wax after cleaning and removing any burst blisters - these are just sites of infection and will take longer to heal. wash and reapply every 4-6 hours - cover with cling wrap if you wish to cover with clothes - this will stop your clothes getting covered with paraffin and maintains the burn.paraffin creates a seal stopping water leaving the body and reduces pain as it protects sensitised nerves. the paraffin imitates the natural oils secreted by the skin. skin cells are better able to multiply and regenerate with this treatment. pain is also helped. make sure you buy plenty of this paraffin - as the burn heals switch to aqueous cream bp. this helps - let me know how you go and what similar brands/altenatives are avalible in your area email if you still have questions - send photos - at least three please
apply some cool water as well, and dont worry.
you should go to the hospital and be treated for your burns, it could get infected and a lot of complications could arise if it goes untreated.
Well the ER would be a good stop. They will give you a script for some pain meds and tell you how to keep it dressed and clean so it doesn't get infected.
well if its still actually BURNING then put cold mustard on it for 15 minutes then wash it'll take the pain away and it wont be red..if it is too late then just remember that for next time.
Apply Burnol, do not pork if any bubbling, if nail damage see time be careful..
Superficial Burn (First Degree)
A first degree burn involves only the top layer of skin. The skin is red and dry and usually painful. The burned area may also swell. Most sunburns are superficial burns. This type of burn usually heals in 5-6 days without any permanent scarring.
Partial-Thickness Burn(Second Degree) A second degree burn involves the top layers of skin. The skin is red with blisters that may open and weep clear fluid, giving the skin a wet appearance. The area may also appear mottled. The burn is usually painful and often swells. This type of burn usually heals in 3-4 weeks, and scarring may occur.Full-Thickness Burn(Third Degree)
A third degree burn destroys all layers of skin and any or all of the underlying structures(fat, muscles, bones and nerves). The burn appears brown or black(charred) with the tissues underneath sometimes appearing white. This type of burn can be extremely painful or relatively painless if the burn destroys the nerve endings. This burn is critical and requires immediate medical attention.
Cool the burn. Use large amounts of cool water to cool the burn. Never use ice except on small superficial burns, because it causes body heat loss. If the area cannot be immersed, like the face, you can soak a clean cloth and apply it to the burn, being sure to continue adding water to keep the cloth cool.
2. Cover the burn. Use dry, sterile dressings or a clean cloth to help prevent infection and reduce pain. Bandage loosely. Do not put any ointment on a burn unless it is very minor. Do not use any other home remedies, and do not break any blisters. For minor burns or burns with broken blisters that are not severe enough to require medical attention, wash the burned area with soap and water, keep it clean and apply an antibiotic ointment. Remember, some people can be allergic to topical ointments, so if you have any doubts, call your doctor for advice.
red blotchy and a 1st degree burn. You don't need a doctor unless it blisters or becomes an open sore. They will give you prescription burn ointment with antibiotic if that is the case.For pain, you can get some over the counter burn ointment, and take an aspirin/tylenol/aleve. Cold water feels good while it is being applied, but you might notice that the pain is amplified and throbing more after you take your thumb out of the water,...this is because temporarily numbing your pain, your actually reducing the amount of natural pain killer your body creates in response to pain.(endorphin)..which is being transmitted to the burn site. An old restraunt trick for light burns, is to apply mustard to it. Sound weird ?.I know, but it works. Spicy mustard works best, but any mustard will do.
run it under freezing cold water for as long as you can take it. after that continue to put the ice on it. put some pressure on it [squeeze just below the area you burnt it to apply pressure]. if it still feels hot put it under cool water. but if it feels cold put it under some luke warm water. the exact same thing happened to me except i was making rice. i did this and it helped a lot. but it still burnt. so don't worry if it doesn't automatically feel better. don't put a bandage or anything on it you have to let it "breathe". by the next day it should be gone.
You should keep on icing it. Running it under cold water would help too. But you should put ointment since it got burned. Sucking your thumb may help too lol

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