I went out Wednesday night, had three glasses of wine.I felt as sick as a dog all day yesterday, like I was going to be sick all day, so I ate lots to try and soak it up, but still didn't feel any better.Today I feel just as bad, I have the squits and my head is all wrong. Surely can't be the wine can it? Or perhaps I've been poisoned?
A hangover can possibly last 2 days yes.But on 3 glasses of wine? No! Thats not enough for a 2 day hangover (let alone one). sounds like you are just poorly.
yep - I get a 2 day hangover too. it sucks
I don't think 3 glasses of wine is enough to make you have a hangover for that long. Maybe you've picked up a bug, try drinking lots of water to keep your fluids up and rest. Feel better soon x
Hell yeah! I've had some serious hangovers. 2 days isnt that uncommon, especially as you get older. However, 3 glasses of wine? That doesnt warrant a hangover. Go to your doctor.
I was really ill once because i drank too much, i had two days off work. I suppose it all depens on what you have drank and eaten and if it agrees with you or not i suppose.xx hope you feel better soon xxIm sure ill post a similar question tomorrow after my night out tonight! xx
Yes.. depends on how much you drink
sounds like u are under the weather, get some rest %26 drink plenty of fluids u will be much better in a few days
While a bad hangover can leave one feeling very delicate even after 36 hours, what you describe sounds more like food poisoning. Diarrhoea is not normally associated with a hangover.
3 glasses of wine for any hangover it not possible!You seem to just have a bug that's going round. BED REST for you !!
I had one last 3 days but it took alot of 7n7's and alot of beer. I don't think 3 glasses of wine would do it.
You might have caught a bug. Poisoning is always a possibility but then I don't know who you hang out with.
You could try an experiment and drink 3 glasses of wine again and see what happens.Or you could take some Imodium and go to bed. Either way, good luck.
Yes it can ..particularly if you have some cheap and nasty booze as it goes from being a hangover to a mild form of food poisoning!
sometimes it gets you like that,did you have anything to eat before you went out? maybe the wine was rank?but i do know how you feel, it happened to me last sat nite.i was bad for the next three days.
It can last 2 days but you didn't drink enough to last such a long time. If you are in the UK and live in the south east, there's a bug going around, similar to migraine /hangover that can last up to 5 days, wash it out by drinking plenty of water and very small amount of "bland" food (no spices), eat to the point that you don't feel hungry any more, but not to the point where you feel full up.
Good luck and I hope you feel better soon xx
Yep mine last 2 days, but I think you've got a bug of some sort of eaten something nasty. Three glasses of wine wouldn't be enough to give you a bad hangover
My hangovers last about 4 days!!
I don't think 3 glasses of wine would have quite such a dramatic effect. if you're feeling this way by monday it'd be worth going to the doctors and getting checked out.Last weekend I had a hangover which lasted until 5pm the next day, messy!
Are you taking antibiotics? Or was it a dodgy drink?
you'll be ok tomorrow you just had a drop of plonk so be careful what you drink in future
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