Can you please help me with a rehabilitation program for a 21-yr old collegiate baseball player? Injury: grade II UCL sprain, does not want to undergo surgery. This plan needs to include strengthening and I want to include an interval throwing program.PLEASE HELP ME! Any advice would work :)
I am gonna assume you mean the UCL in the elbow not the thumb. Is he a pitcher or position player? Most of the problems at the elbow (especially the UCL) come from poor strength in the shoulder and/or poor throwing mechanics. If the poor mechanics are not changed then the problem will continue.
Here is a rehab program:
weeks 1-4: 2-3 x wk 3sets 10 reps each exercise.
-scapular stabilization by strengthening the upper/mid/lower trap, rhomboids, serratus anterior muscles.
-strengthen rotator cuff muscles teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and subscapularis
-strengthen wrist flexors/extensors, pronators/supinators
make sure exercises are relatively painfree
wks 4-6:
-begin throwing program if painfree and palpable pain on the UCL
-throwing program: start with 45 ft throws 5 sets of 25 throws with 15 mins rest inbetween each set. Rest 1 day and if pain free then next day do the same at 60ft...if painfree next day increase to 90ft and so on until he reaches 180ft by increasing 30ft each day. He MUST be painfree to move from 1 distance to the next...and should rest 1 day inbetween each day of throwing. ALWAYS ice after any activity from start to finish of the entire rehab program.
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