
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Calling those who have appendixes removed!?

tell me about the pain you experienced before going to the hospital. how long did it take to development? im having trouble determining whether or not its appendicitis. i had diaharrea and i had pain right above my belly button and after about 8 hours it moved to my right side underneath my belly button but its not sharp or severe. last night i also had a low-grade fever. its much worse when i walk. please help me out!!
Sounds like the appendix -- get to the emergency room without delay. Even if it is not, something is wrong, so you need to find out.When I was five, my appendix blew. Now I'm 62, and I remember it perfectly. The pain was such that I "knew" I was dying. The pain is in the lower right, below the belly button. It will get worse and could be life-threatening, because it is infection. The surgery is very routine these days, but you want to catch it earlier than later.Now go.
mine just hit me fast, bad pain on my lower right side. I had not eaten, so i know it wasn't from food. they removed mine as soon as i got to the hopsital. within 4 hours of the pain starting.
there such thing as alvarado grading of appendicitis,, all that you have mentioned were all included in the grading i think you have really appendicitis
you need to report to the nearest emergency room. do not drive yourself-have someone or an ambulance take you.appendicitis comes on quickly and you're appendix could rupture which can be fatal (i was 4 when mine happened so i don't remember much).if the dr's can catch it before it ruptures, then the surgery is easy and simple-they remove your appendix and keep your for at least a day to make sure you are healing up have classic symptoms of appendicitis, the only other thing is there is a sharp pain when someone pushes down on the area where your appendix is located and then releases quickly. upon release-you will feel a sharp doubling over pain.

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