
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Can anyone help?

Am on tablets for High Blood pressure. Over the past couple of weeks have been having what could be panic attacks - unexpected 'wooshing' sensation in head followed by weakness (maybe because it has frightened me!!) does anyone know if any of these symptoms could be related to the tablets? been on them since December, not experienced anything before now.
I am on high blood pressure tablets and don't experience any side effects. I would go back to your doctors because the tablets you are taking may not be stronger enough to reduce your blood pressure
Beta-blockers control the speed and force of heart beats by blocking the action of hormones such as adrenaline that make the heart beat faster and more vigorously.
They are effective in preventing angina. They can also lower raised blood pressure, reduce the risk of further heart attacks and help control abnormal heart rhythms.
Side-effects include constriction of the air passages and small blood vessels, leading to cold hands and feet. They can conceal low blood sugar levels in diabetics - "selective" beta-blockers are less likely to do this than other forms of the drug.
Tiredness or fatigue may also be experienced
Please see the web page for more details on Atenolol.
i would go to your GP first thing in the morning and get it checked out,
I'm on tablets for high blood pressure, well, my doctor has tried me on a few! Currently I'm on Doxazosin and been on Bisoprol and two types of calcium antagonists. The only problems I have had are headaches, debilitating tireness with all of them, swollen feet and ankles, fluid retention, and weight gain. I doubt very much that these new symptoms you are experiencing are being caused by the tablets now, particularly as you have been on them, presumably on the same dose since December, However, the dose may need increasing. Are you doing anything different from usual? Have you found that something is causing you to be stressed and are you worrying about something? This can cause panic attack type symptoms. Have you been taking any new tablets or medicines in the last couple of weeks that might be interacting with your BP tabs? Is there a new food that you are eating or something new your are drinking that may be having causing you to have a bad reaction?If I were you I would go back to the doctor as soon as possible and get these symptoms checked out. Please don't waste anymore time wondering - your health is so important, and your doctor is the best person to help you to sort this out. I hope you will soon get better.
I think your Doctor needs to change your medication,the tablets you're on don't sound strong enough...don't mess about with something like blood-pressure ,make an appointment to see him right away.

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