
Monday, October 12, 2009

Blood in stool?

what just happened was, i had a bowel movement. the poo came out fine, but after that was out i saw a large stream of bright red blood in the toilet. the toilet paper was also covered in blood, but i checked a few minutes afterwards and there was none there.last week i started working out again after a long time of sedentary living. i also changd my diet from usual crap to good foods, and just yesterday was my girlfriends birthday, we splurged and had some pizza and fast food- today i was a fool and ate a turkey/bacon sandiwch at Denny's. Oh, and the working out that i am doing is kickboxing and sambo wrestling, iv done this before but only recently got back into it. i am 21 years old and overweight by about 20 pounds. i was thinking that the blood was from my lifestyle change and possibly the horrible food i ate the past two days, as well as quite a bit of candy.i have no health insurance and cant afford going to a dcotor just yet.
Oh for crying out loud everybody, calm down. He popped a hemorrhoid! He just initiated a strenuous exercise program after a "long time of sedentary living". Straining is known to cause hemorrhoids. Another contributing factor is his admittedly poor diet. Constipation from a poor diet can cause extremely hard stools, which in turn can create little tears in the anal canal AND rupture hemorrhoids.
These are both extremely benign conditions. Cut back a bit on the excessive straining and monitor. If your symptoms persist, you will need to consult a physician.
Good luck.
something is have to go to hospital i forgot what it was called but you must go
call the hospital and tell them what happen or call a free clinc both will give you some info for free. But if you wont call go to a free clinc this is not good.
You could just have hemmorhoids (sorry about the spelling). If your anus is sore or itchy, that's probably it. You can buy preparation h, or similar.
i honestly think since the blood is red it comes from "lower" in the rectum and it's hemorrhoids. if it is only when you poo. if it's when you workout or say moving furniture, you should get that checked ASAP as it could be colon cancer and survival totally depends on early detection.
The large stream of blood alarms me, personally. I know that blood in the stool can be a sign of colon cancer, so if you have family members with a history with that, I would DEFINITELY see a doctor even though you don't have health insurance. If your stool was large, however, it could have been just because it had a problem getting through (hemorrhoids). At the very least, I'd keep an eye on the problem for a while and go see a doctor if it continues... also, try taking fiber pills or Metamucil.
It sounds exactly like hemorrhoids.
bright red blood usually indicates internal hemmorhoids, and the activity you describe could very well irritate them enough to bleed quite a bit. Get some preparation H both the cream and suppositories, insert the suppostiory and use the cream externally, use it for about three days, should clear the problem up. Stool that is black and tarry indicates bleeding higher up in the colon and that is dangerous, need to see a doctor immediately if that occurs. Also, it would help to soften your stools, do this by getting sodium docusate at your drug store, take the pill with lots of water, the body needs at least 2 liters of water a day. The docusate will literally draw water into your stool to soften it, this will decrease the irritation to your hemmorhoids.
I don't think this is anything serious, blood from the stomach or bowel is usually very dark red/purple/black, so bright red blood is not a sign of anything serious. You probably have piles from working out and the change in diet and then eating a bit more fat for a few days probably put a bit more strain on your bowel and made it harder for the stool to come out.If you lose weight or get pale and weak or some serious pains then you need to get this cheaked out immediatly.Otherwise don't panic and get it cheaked out as soon as you can.
You should go to your Dr as soon as possible, bleeding from the anus can be a symptom of bowel cancer. It's important to get it ruled out as early detection is vital for a full recovery.
You may have ruptured a internal hemhroid ,as long as your not actively bleeding,you'll be OK.You can add a stool softener to take each day,to prevent constipation or hard stool formation,that is the usual cause of such bleeding. Be careful with straining during excersising etc.Get some OTC hemmorhoid medications,to shrink them,a suppository or a cream. If after 2 weeks or so,and you still are having trouble,you will need to see your MD,for an acurate diagnosis. Take care. SW RNP
There are several reasons you could have blood in the stool. It could be anything from bleeding hemorrhoid to an infectious process to a colitis to a mass. The blood may seem scary, but it may not be a serious condition. It may be self-limited and resolve without any treatment. If the condition persists and if you notice a difference or worsening of symptoms, seek medical attention. Don't use the excuse of not affording a doctor hinder you. You may qualify for medical assistance, but you have to ask for it. Check with your local community hospital.
id say an ulcer.

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