
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Can anyone suggest a treatment for a 3 year old girl born immature and not able to sit on her own??

My brother has a daughter of 3 years old who was borm immature and still she cannot sit on her own.Treatment is going on and now she is tring move and is able to sit with a support.Because of this he is very stressed and don't know what to do so that she is able to walk on her own.
if u r in south india than go to T-nagar, chennai, and meet dr sankar who done phd in accupuncture, i got treatment for my uncle's daughter for the same problem, now she is alright, god bless her
I don't know about treatment, but there is a seat called "bumbo" which babies can sit in and be upright even before they are old enough to do it on their own. You can get them at places like BabiesRUs or Target.
do you mean born PRE mature??
I take it she is seen at a hospital for any problems she has, they will know best when she will get control and be able to sit unaided.
My daughter was born with a growth problem and she was late sitting up, she sat at 1yr though. With your neice it's going to be a case of wait and see how she developes, and hopefully she will be able to sit alone and eventually walk
just calm down..
Leave it to God she has had enough treatement I think... when now she can sit using support, she would herself gradually gain the venture in to without supports. just wait for the moment. It would take a time. But time is the best medicine. Just take care of her and shower all love. We pray to GOD, so that she gets well versed soon.
get her a boppy pillow, it will help her sit up on her own without someone right there.
Hi, I'm not sure of a treatment but there are special chairs now that are made of foam where kids 8-12 months old can sit in.Perhaps they make them for older children? OR the company may take a more custom order.
she need daily systematic physio therapy treatment from good physiotherapist. i personally saw a case whose same problem is solved (but near about 3 to 4 year that father came regularly

Can anyone share their opinion on CIGNA health insurance or compare it to BC/BS?

I prefer Cigna to BC/BS. I work as a medical biller dealing with insurance companies all day. My experience shows that Cigna offers more in terms of procedures covered, prescription benefits, and availiable providers. BC/BS offers lower premiums, but usually with a high deductible and limited prescription benefits.
I like Cigna better than BC/BS. BC/BS questions more things and you have to call them to make sure they cover routine things like allergy medicines. I was not happy with them.Cigna has been better and their premiums are lower than they were with BC/BS.

Can anyone identify an knee injury?

Hi i have been skating for a while now and i continue to ride regular which means my left leg is in front well whenever i fall it happens to be on my left knee which resulted in a pop in my knee whenever i bend it. I have about 6 scars on the left side of my knee from each injury.
You may have the same problem I have. I have a disease known as Osgood-Schlatters Disease. I have the exact same problem. I have been to the doctor about it. It is something you can inherit from somewhere in your family. It cannot be healed. You just learn to live with it. It gets better over time. My mother is 37 and still has it from when she was 14. She says as you get older the less painful it becomes. Osgood Schlatters disease is a very common cause of knee pain in everyone. It is a condition where the bony protrusion below the knee (called the tibial tuberosity or tubercle) becomes inflamed, painful and swollen.I hope this helped!
It could be nothing, depedning on your pain levels.Or you might have dislodged some cartilage, or developed tendinitis in the patellar tendon. Best to get an x ray or MRI by a doctor.
well the fact that it makes a popping sound when you bend it means that the knee could be slightly out of alignment because the cartilage are obstructing the movement of the joint which would result in the popping sound. you should get it checked out by a doctor to try correct the problem as to prevent further damage.

Can anyone help?

im 37 weeks and ive been feeling rather grotty today my bellys churning and i feel sick with achy pains around my shoulders feel like im either coming down with the flu or a stomack bug does anyone know what it could be got a bit of a headache aswell
Sounds as if your blood pressure may be up ma'am. Best to get checked by a doc if you're 37 weeks
I would call your OB just to be sure. It could be anything. Could be related to yoru blood pressure, baby getting ready to come early, something you ate bad, or the flu. I suggest giving your OB a call just in case.

Can anyone help?

im 37 weeks pregnant and ive been feeling rather grotty today my bellys churning and i feel sick with achy pains around my shoulders feel like im either coming down with the flu or a stomack bug does anyone know what it could be got a bit of a headache aswell
sounds like a chill but i would go to your doctor and be checked out just to be on the safe side - take care
You need to get yourself checked out with the doctor, particularly if you are getting headaches - get your blood pressure checked out asap.
call ur doc asap.
If the doctor checks you and you are basically normal then try a small diet change. Add these and tell him your adding if you like:
Green leafy vegetables
Tuna, Salmon, or other fish (fish oil caps if you need to)
5 to 10 Boiled Eggs per week (eggs are one of the most compete foods known)
Chicken gizzards are full of the stuff you need
Orange Juice
Being in sinlight makes Vitamine D. Get in the sun.
Raw milk it 10X more nutritous then the Hood junk.
The milk debate is a matter of fat wallets, I think. See
Your Ob would know best if this is related to the pregnancy. Headache along with the belly ache and sickness sounds like blood pressure related and pains in shoulders may just be from your posture changing.

Can anyone help?

Am on tablets for High Blood pressure. Over the past couple of weeks have been having what could be panic attacks - unexpected 'wooshing' sensation in head followed by weakness (maybe because it has frightened me!!) does anyone know if any of these symptoms could be related to the tablets? been on them since December, not experienced anything before now.
I am on high blood pressure tablets and don't experience any side effects. I would go back to your doctors because the tablets you are taking may not be stronger enough to reduce your blood pressure
Beta-blockers control the speed and force of heart beats by blocking the action of hormones such as adrenaline that make the heart beat faster and more vigorously.
They are effective in preventing angina. They can also lower raised blood pressure, reduce the risk of further heart attacks and help control abnormal heart rhythms.
Side-effects include constriction of the air passages and small blood vessels, leading to cold hands and feet. They can conceal low blood sugar levels in diabetics - "selective" beta-blockers are less likely to do this than other forms of the drug.
Tiredness or fatigue may also be experienced
Please see the web page for more details on Atenolol.
i would go to your GP first thing in the morning and get it checked out,
I'm on tablets for high blood pressure, well, my doctor has tried me on a few! Currently I'm on Doxazosin and been on Bisoprol and two types of calcium antagonists. The only problems I have had are headaches, debilitating tireness with all of them, swollen feet and ankles, fluid retention, and weight gain. I doubt very much that these new symptoms you are experiencing are being caused by the tablets now, particularly as you have been on them, presumably on the same dose since December, However, the dose may need increasing. Are you doing anything different from usual? Have you found that something is causing you to be stressed and are you worrying about something? This can cause panic attack type symptoms. Have you been taking any new tablets or medicines in the last couple of weeks that might be interacting with your BP tabs? Is there a new food that you are eating or something new your are drinking that may be having causing you to have a bad reaction?If I were you I would go back to the doctor as soon as possible and get these symptoms checked out. Please don't waste anymore time wondering - your health is so important, and your doctor is the best person to help you to sort this out. I hope you will soon get better.
I think your Doctor needs to change your medication,the tablets you're on don't sound strong enough...don't mess about with something like blood-pressure ,make an appointment to see him right away.

Can anyone help me with adice of lymph nodes??

I am 25years old and for the last 9 months i have had swollen lymph nodes on booth sides of my neck.
The left sides worse though and now i can feel a big one that is around near my voice box.
I see an ENT dr, but he keeps telling me to come back every few months and i don't feel right.
I ahve had a few ultrasounds and they all show the mass of different sized lymph nodes and the CT scan shows them as well.
I am going for anothe ultrasound next month then seeing him again in Oct.
My question is has anybody gone through this, and what was the outcome?
I get cold real easily, my voice gets crocky i can't yell properly, i find it hard to swollow things like cake, bread ect and i can't drink fast (scull) when i lift my head up.
My throats not sure, but i touch one of the lumps near my voice box it feels tender.
What do think it is?
The last ultrasound about 2 months ago, showed one of the nodes is just over 1cm now.
Ta anyhelp would be appreciated.
See a different doctor, it can be many things from minor to major and you should get a Dr. who is more aggressive. See if a PET scan is helpful (ask your Dr.) But get a 2nd opinion on this ASAP.
Take 1 vitimin c 250mg a day.
See an endocrinologist; you may have an under-active thyroid.
My son has been having the same sort of problems for the last 5 years now. Hair analysis (costing approximately $65) shows that he has heavy metal poisoning and he is using Detox pads ($1 each) on the bottoms of his feet at night to pull the excess toxins. Can't really tell you the outcome because he just started but will be happy to tell you more if you e-mail me with any questions. He is 29.
Numerous conditions and infections can cause swollen lymph nodes including:
Common cold
Hodgkin's disease
Secondary syphilis
Cat scratch fever
Lymphatic obstruction
* Causes of swollen neck glands include:
Common cold
Upper respiratory infection
Sore throat
Strep throat
Viral infection
Bacterial infection
Sinus infection
Ear infection
Skin infection
Dental conditions
I recommend seeing a different doctor that will take your symptoms more seriously. You are experiencing symptoms of an illness that needs to be properly diagnosed.
Not sure if this helps but...If you lymph nodes are swollen this means your body is trying to attack something. This could mean a virus or bacteria. These microscopic things (bacteria=alive, virus=doesn't live), can effect bodily cells such as those in your liver which would cause someoen to not fully filter toxins out of their blood or any other possibility of a long list of disfunctional cells.
I don't know that an ENT would be the best doctor to see. I agree with the poster above who suggested going to an Endocrinologist. And if you haven't had a blood test done, you definitely need one done to check for all sorts of stuff.
Enlarged lymph nodes is usually a sign of a chronic infection . You dont mention however if you have them enlarged anywhere else on your body . Are the lymph nodes under your arms , groin or the inner side of your fore arm enlarged as well ? Have you had your tonsils removed ? They may do a biopsy to see what cells are growing in the nodes if this doesnt resolve to rule out hodgkins disease and lymphoma . Years ago I had some thing like what your going through and they did alot of tests it started the way yours did . They removed a node from under my arm . My liver and sleen were enlarged they thought it was a pre lympoma . I went to an older Dr after alot of specialists scared me to death and he took my tonsils out . I was 28 . It wasnt pretty but within three months everything was back to normal . So hang in there .

Can anyone give me some information?

My friend has been dealing with a bad gallbladder for years. She's in pain every day because of it. She makes to much money to get insurance through the government but, can't aford to pay for insurance out of her own pocket.
Could someone please direct me to a site where she may be able to get help in removing this thing. Anything would be nice right now. No doctor is going to touch her w/o some kind of insurance. She does need help.
Does anyone know a doctor who will do the operation who she can make payments to. Or maybe some kind of afordable insurance.
For anyone who has ever delt with this pain, than you understand what she is going through. I've been through it myself, I know how bad it is.
Please, any information that anyone can provide would be better than nothing. She needs help now.
has she told the state she has a medical emergency? my sister had a brain tumor, and the state covered the surgery, but nothing else. I would also check the local county health departments, They have great resources. I feel her pain too. I had mine out in 1994! good luck. Have her stay away from any food or drink with acid. Soda, tomatoes, etc. They will make it flare up
oh..that's really bad.. ive encountered such a situation back then...//.. ahmm with regards to removing it... it would be the best to consult a doctor..go 2 d hospital and have it traced out.. you must be so alert with such a thing..i hope you could take good care of it... care always...i'll pray for oyu... good bye...nyt! ..:-)
This is something that has to be in your local place. How it is in my community isn't necessariily how it is in yours. You will need to contact every LOCAL social service agency. You will need to ask the individual hospitals is they have programs. Call EVERY DOCTOR, you may have a local dr. who will help. It's reasonable to assume that they won't take paymments but you need to ASK each one. There's a good chance one would help. When my mom had hers out she was in the hospital 2 weeks. Then years later when I had to have mine out they had developed better ways to do it through scopes. Sometimes people don't even have to spend the night at the hospital.
ya never know until you ask!
Some doctors will take a down payment and then let you make payments and most hospitals will let you make payments. My daughter had to have her tonsils removed and I didn't have insurance. I made a down payment to the doctor's office and then made payments after the surgery. I'm still making payments to the hospital. When she calls a doctor's office to ask about making payments, ask to speak to their accounts receivable department. The receptionist might say they don't take payments but not really know. If she can't get anywhere that way, she might want to try going to the emergency room. If she's already there then they might go ahead and do surgery. Of course, on the bad side, if they don't then she's stuck with an ER bill.

Can anyone explain to me the signs/symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?

And also, how does one develop it?I'm just curious. And have yet to find a good website.
RA is one of the most serious diseases that rheumatologists treat. Signs and symptoms include swollen and tender joints, especially in the morning. If the swelling and pain are after exercise, you may be looking at OA. There is no know cause for it, although there does seem to be a family correlation. RA is basically your immune system attacking your body. Tests and assessment can determine how aggressive the disease is. If you suspect you may have RA, go to your doctor asap and get referred to a rheumatologist. If the wait list is too long, ask if there is an early RA clinic you can go to. RA is one disease where you can hope for remission if you get treated really early, before joint damage is done. The most popular physician website is You may also consider looking at is another good overall learning site for physicians.If you do have RA, lead your treatment. What I mean by that is know what "progression" feels like and be quick to switch treatments if the one you are on doesn't work really well. Some of the best treatments are only used after other, less effective treatments have failed. This is because of the nature of how the FDA and other governement organizations approve drug use and not necessarily reflective of the level of efficacy of a drug. There is also a small correlation between RA and some cancers.Hope that helps!
Harvard Medical School has a very good and very complete site. Try it. Sorry I don't have the web address.
There's usually a huge genetic component to it. There are like 9 signs and symptoms of RA and you have to present with like 4-5 of them to have the diagnosis. One tell tale sign is stiffness and swelling in the joints when you first wake up in the morning. Doctors usually do bloodwork to see if your RA factor is positive and other bloodwork to rule out any other of the arthritic conditions. Here's a great website to look at for more information: Hope this helps!

Can anyone explain enemas to me?

I heard about it... is it comfortable? Will it hurt? How do i get one? If you use it, tell me all about.. please
there are folks that believe to be healthy you should keep
the colon cleaned out and lubed up -- consequently they
use various herbs and liquids to clean out the colon.
The "flush" is accomplished with either a rectal syringe,
or a fountain syringe . Insert in rectum and let go with the
liquid until it feels a little uncomfortable. Hold inside as
long as possible and don't waste time getting to the stool.
it can, but don't have to be uncomfortable.. personally,
don't know the value but think that it's possible that it could
have negative effects on the good bacteria in the colon if
done too often.
AHAHAHAHAHAAre you serious?
I dont think you would want an enema unless you like anal sex.. Basically they put a tube up your anus and squeeze some kind of liqud into you. It looks very uncomfortable.
enemas are people who want to kill you. For example, the enemas of the American army in Iraq are Al Qaeda and the insurgents.Are the comfortable...probably not.How do you get one? Make someone mad I guess.Good luck.WHA? You guys don't like my answer! I'm right and you all know it...
An enema is to make you go to the bathroom. Enemas can be used by sticking them up your butt or they can be taken like a pill. You can get one by going to the drug store or Wal-Mart. When you use a enema it may take a while for it to work. But enemas should only be used it you can not go to the bathroom that's what they are for. Sometimes they can hurt but i will make you feel a-lot better.
oh wow
I worked in healthcare for over 5 years...this is the only reason I know..I
well, basically its a tube shoved up your butt hole, and either a chemical or soap water gets put up there and when it's done watch'll need to go to the bathroom ALOT
They are used to empty your bowels, I have never used one but have administred one beforeto a patient they do not hurt just a little uncomfortable, they actully look like a douche.
A hose goes in your butt.
Liquid is squirted up in there.
What goes up must come out.
You sit on the potty %26 let nature/gravity take its course.Sounds like fun, no?
It wont hurt and most medical facilities give you one to perform various x-rays and before an operation or delivery to clear your body of feaces. It will really make you go to the bathroom till you pass everything out - but its completely harmless and you got nothing ot worry about.
Good Luck
walmart sells them, they are to clean out your bowels if you are constipated, not really comfortable, make sure the tube you insert is lubed up good you have to hold the liquid in your rectum for as long as you can then empty

Can anyone answer this, my finger is swollen?

it got stamped on about a month ago and although it is alot better and not as painfull (but still very) the swelling on the top will not go down and its still red on the end, does anyone know why this is please?
go here to find out...and/or see a doctor. possible causes here..
did you break it?
go to the doctor! it could be infected, or you need some type of ointment!
Your circulation has been cut off so your finger is not a part of your body. I am surprised it did not fall off. HOW CAN YOU TYPE!! AHHH THIS IS CRAZYYY!
if you got blood in the end of finger take stick pen and pop it
See a Doctor!! I might have an infection because of a broken bone.
which finger...?

Can anybody give me somehelp for restless leg syndrome?

the first thing you want to do is go see a doctor...i find that with restless leg syndrom somthing like hydrocodone 5/325 will work before bedtime otherwise try valium it relaxes your mucsles so you are able to sleep.good luck
One word--doctor
You should go to your doctor they can give you medication like Mirapex or Requip which really helps
it depends if your RLS is bad or not. i get it every now and then and my mom gets it a lot. my mom takes a sleeping pill or muscles relxer before bed whenever she feels extra stressed or starts having symptoms. i just squeeze my leg muscles as tight as i can a couple times before bed. or get up and do some stretched and lunges or other muscle work-out to help myself relax.good luck

Can any one in HR please help me?

I work in a meat processing plant and I am in the union. I had surgery on my foot and my three months of FMLA are up. They told me I would be fired if I don't come back in time. I have a doctors note saying I can not return when they want me to return. I am currently wearing a special open toe boot to protect my foot. I can't not wear any shoes. What should I do, can they fire me for that reason. My union rep said he can't do anything for me. I am really woried cause I really need my job.
You need to talk to a lawyer ... sue. If you need a job that bad, then I would tell my Dr. I have to go back to work ... how can I minimize doing more damage?
Wow you are in a pickle. Poor thing. Foot surgery and someone forcing you to come back to work or else your fired. Well your health is more important than any job but.. you need the job to pay off for it! I'm thinking that if they don't care you should quit. I mean do you LOVE that job or not? Start looking through the paper or something to find a job that doesn't involve standing all day. Meet the manager. Talk to them about your situation. I am sorry about your foot. Hope you get to felling better.

Can ant bites effect me if im not elergic?

yeah, just like mosquito bites. but it won't be something like an allergy to a beesting. no worries. use some AfterBite or a Benadryl stick on bites to stop itching or burning.
Depends on your health and your body's ability to fight infection. For instance, diabetics can have serious problems in healing w/ant bites. Benadryl and caladryl may help.
kind of...they still hurt a lot but aren't really dangerous for you.

Can an ER ever refuse you if you come in for a dumb reason? like a stubbed toe or something?

They can but they have to provide you with an alternative place to get healthcare in a timely manner...otherwise its abandonment. They WILL make you wait forever for something like that b/c you will be triaged and just about everything else that comes in will take priority over your injury.
No, they cannot refuse you for any reason. If you'd like to spend 500 dollars for a stubbed toe, that's up to you.Remember as well that people are triaged according to medical severity. So, you could be waiting many hours to be seen as a stubbed toe isn't nearly as important as a car accident.
basically no but that would really freaking stupid i think if your going to the er you should at least come up with a good reason
I would strangle you, if I was working in ER, surrounded by people who really needed my attention, and you tried to waste my time with something simple. I was really sick a while ago, and had to wait 5 hours to be seen, while the person in front of me had a sore throat, for goodness sake. People die while waiting to be seen in ER, dont waste their time.
No, you cannot be refused admission to the ER for any reason but they can make your wait there miserable. Don't bother - take care of yourself at home for small crap like that.
no, they will gladly accept your money!
I don't think they would actually say they refuse to see you but you would be put on the bottom of the queue and anybody with a more serious problem would be put in before you. It would be a long wait to be seen by the ER staff.

Can an employee receive workman's comp for injury sustained outside of work in Wisconsin?

Not if it was outside of work.. It has to be an "on the job injury"
Short answer, no.Worker's Compensation, sometimes referred to as "Workman's Compensation" or "Worker's Comp", is the name given to a system of laws meant to protect injured workers. The goal is to make sure that somebody who is injured AT WORK receives appropriate medical care, lost wages relating to the on-the-job injury, and, if necessary, retraining and rehabilitation, so as to be able to return to the workforce.But, if you think you have a case then please speak to a lawyer. Was the person that got hurt serving in some form or capacity of their employer when they got injured outside of the workplace? If so, you could claim they were in fact "at work".
uhhhh. I don't think so. That is only for while you are at work. Unless you were out of town FOR your work. If you weren't, than it is a NO.
To get workers comp the injury has to be work related no matter what state you live in. That's why they call it workers comp. If you sustained an injury outside of work you can claim disability and possibly get disability payments but it is unrelated to payments from your place of business.
Call a work comp lawyer in your state - they'll know where the limits are.
I don't know about Wisconsin but here you actually have to be at work or taking care of work related business in order to claim Work-comp
No. Worker's Comp only pays if you are on the clock. If you were at work, but off site, the workers comp will pay. If you just got banged up one night while not at work or on the clock, WC will not pay for that.
No where can you receive worker's compensation for an injury not acquired on the job unless you do so fraudulently.Worker's compensation is designed to provide for care and benefits for employees injured while performing their job duties as assigned not for any other reason.
No. That is why they call it workmans comp, because you have to be injured on the job to get it. Why would you get paid because you are out doing something stupid with your friends on your days off. I am not saying you were, just using that as an example.
No Way!! Workmans Comp only covers injuries sustained "On the Job".
I'm pretty sure you can only obtain workers' comp if you're injured during your work - if you are unable to work because of an injury sustained outside of work then you would file for state disability
You can only claim workman's comp if you are injured on the job. Otherwise thats whats known as fraud.
Well, I'm not from Wisconsin, but I do know that you can't get workman's comp if you weren't injured at work. That's ridiculous! You can get disability.

Can actors smoke in films and TV after July 1st?

Their is no restriction on smoking in films. In fact it will be in film ratings that there would be a change. As for films containing sexual scenes, film containing smoking person will contain an advertisement on the dvd casing and these films will be restricted for children under 15.
Hee hee - good oneIf you watch Coronation Street (UK soap) there were two actors smoking in it last night!
In the US, they can. But, unless the smoking is an important plot device and portrayed in an unfavorable light--the film gets an R rating.So, you could do a remake of tripleX, where the smoker is a bad guy and gets killed by a heat seeking missile and the rating wouldn't be affected.But, Casablanca would have to be smoke free or Rated R.Political Correctness strikes again.
It will be a factor in determining their rating, not to say that all movies with smoking will get a R rating. The MPAA said that it will influence the rating much like violence and language.
Its would be ridiculous to ban smoking from the movies, especially when you consider historical movies, you can't just ignore that people smoke. The example the MPAA used was that of "Good night and Good luck" which was set during the time when everyone smoked, they even smoked on live TV.

Can acidophilus and antibiotics be taken together?

Is it okay to take acidophilus and antibiotics together?The acidophilus bottle says to not take them within 2 hours of each other. However, I was just wondering whether or not it's a good idea to have both in general. What about foods and such that contain acidophilus and other probiotics (such as yogurt)?Any insight would be appreciated. =)
Yes. Infact, they should be taken while you're on antibiotics. This will help prevent you from getting a yeast infection and from having a reasction to the antibiotic that will cause severe diarrhea.
yes i take it all the time when i am taking antibiotics. It will prevent you from having a yeast infection...I really recomend u taking it.

Can acid burn your hand ? please tell me the signs of acid burning skin please !?

procedueres, what to do
acid causes very serious burns - the area of contact must be irrigated for 60 minutes under tap water. make sure the irrigated water does not touch any unaffected skin but goes straight to ground.go to a burns unit/hospital
acid can burn any flesh. well it it's burning your hand it should hurt like hell and you should rinse your hand in cold water, and why would you be typing on the computer if your hand's burning?
Yes it can, if it is of a high concentration. However a less concentrated acid may cause irritation but may not burn. Then it also depends on the type of the acid , some are corrosive in nature while others are not.
In any event if any contact with acid is made the best way is to put the contacted area under running water, do not rub or towel dry the area.

Can a tramatic head injury and anti seizure cause weight gain?

I know that certain kinds of anti-seizure meds can cause wt. gain. Ask your doc if switching to something like TOPOMAX is an option. or maybe lowering your dose of what you are taking now. I do not think that a head injury alone can cause wt gain but it could be a side effect of all of the things going on in your body at once. Remember you do have options, do not settle and keep seeking answers
Some anti-seizure meds can cause weight gain. Also sometimes head injury patients are given a steroid (Decadron comes to mind) to reduce swelling inside the skull. Steroids will cause weight gain also.

Can a torn meniscus repair on it's own or do you need surgery to repair in?

It is torn in two places.
The meniscus will not heal on its own and does need surgery to be repaired. Often though, people have little to no pain or problems with a tear in the meniscus and thus do not require surgery. If you have little to no pain and can live with what you have then you dont need surgery. If on the other hand, you have a lot of pain and this is interfering with activities you like to do then you should go with the surgery. The rehab takes 4-8 wks and you should be mostly symptom free after physical therapy, provided you put a lot of effort into the rehab.
you need surgery to repair it
It will not heal on it's own. However, the surgery is quick and you will be back up and around in a couple of days.
the meniscus is cartilaginous material, and as such will not heal on it's own.
Normally the meniscus disk needs surgery to repair it because it's deep muscle tissue. It's an out patient surgery and it's only lasts about 2 hours. Normally someone can begin to use their leg about 2-3 weeks after the surgery.
I tore my Meniscus 5 years ago in Track.. and I was suppose to go have surgery and I never did. Sometimes I still have problems with it, but for the most part I can still run, jog, or walk. But everyone is different.
As far as I know you need surgery, especially if it's torn in two places.If you don't have it fixed, it will heal crooked--and you won't be able to walk or run--or it won't heal at all.
If it is not surgically repaired you will always have trouble with it. The problems will increase with age.
I had a friend last year who tore her meniscus playing volley ball and she had to have surgery. I dont think it's very extensive though.

Can a seizure cause permanant brain damage?

I am referring to a non-epileptic seizure.
Scientific evidence about whether isolated, brief seizures have a negative effect on brain function. The evidence suggests that these seizures do have a negative effect and possibly result in loss of specific brain cells. However, the evidence also indicates that this is not true for all forms of seizures. We also do not yet know the consequences of these effects for thinking, memory, mood, and other aspects of daily life.Steven C. Schachter, MD
Harvard Medical School
They can, but it very much depends on the cause, the area effected and the serverity.
only if they are long and from a stroke
yea they way to prevent long strokes is to not stress a it out
Seizures are always a symptom of something else, rather than a disease in themselves. It would probably be the underlying thing that was causing the seizures that would cause the brain damage. Most brain damage would be caused by hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in the brain tissue if the fit lasted for some time. Any seizure is abnormal and should be checked out. People have seizures for many different reasons. A lot of which are referred to as cryptogenic (unknown cause). However certain drugs, stopping drinking alcohol suddenly after a period of heavy drinking, sudden rise in temperature are just a few causes.

Can a scap turn into a scar?

i had a scab and i kept on picking it and it would come back and i would pick it again. then i stoped now it is kind of a scar! its on my leg and i hate it! will it go away? p.s i dont know if its a scar or not its like a thin layer of skin that is really strong
is it a scar?
Yes, they can. I had a scab on the back of my leg from when I fell off of my bike, and it turned into a scar. Even if you don't pick it, if it is bad enough, it turns into a scar.And, in your case, it IS definitely a scar.
Yes, it's a scar. But it will fade and become less noticeable over time. Scabs often leave scars behind. Think of it as a medal for experience.

Can a person get Workers Comp for carpal tunnel?

Since carpal tunnel is something you get from typing all the time (well, for me at least) is it consider a work related injury? My hands and arms ache all the time and even keep me awake at night. Any thoughts?
Disability is not easy to get. It took me two years and I have Lupus, asthma, chronic cystitis, and chronic migraines. There is surgery which can be performed for carpal tunnel. I would imagine you would have to have this done first and if it failed
then you could begin your up hill battle for disability.
It is hard to prove that carpal tunnel is caused solely by your job in order to get Worker's Compensation. However, you would be eligible for short term disability while you recover.
Ho! Hum!You can in some countries yes. Of course it depends if you are in one of those countries.The dilemma here is I know the law in the UK, but I don't know which country you are in.Whereas, you don't know the law in the UK, but you do know which country you are in.
Carpal tunnel disorder is not usually the result of just one thing. Perhaps you should ask an orthopedic surgeon to assess your case and advise if surgery would help. If so, you might get medical leave to have the needed surgery so you could go back to work.

Can a nurse please email me?

**I realize I already posted this but I had to edit it and I forgot to change the category. Sorry, I'm new.**I was wondering if an actual nurse could email me. I have a question that's really embarrassing (nothing sexual), and I have a video to clarify what I mean when I tell what the problem is. It's already hosted on a site so you don't need to download anything.If a nurse could help I would greatly appreciate it!!-Lps: If this is inappropriate I'm really sorry, I read the rules and I don't think I'm breaking any.
it's me from IM. i just wanted to answer here so i can get a best answer haha .. i would definitely try the over the counter method first because the drs office is obviously having a problem getting an accurate test result. so either prove it to them with the video and get an RX or just get over the counter yourself. good luck either way.
Hey... I'm not a nurse or anything, but if this video is revealing in any way, you may want to reconsider this forum in posting it. Someone could email you pretending to be a nurse and really not be one and watch your video. There are all types of pervs and such out here in cyberspace, and you really must be careful. If you are having a problem, there is a symptom checker on that can help you narrow down what is causing it and what you should do about it. If it's something that could be serious, if nothing else, go find a free clinic and see if they can help you. Even if it's embarrassing, it's always best to seek personal professional help than trying to diagnose it on the web in any way. Just my opinion. Hope you find the answers you're looking for, but please do it safely!

Can a major headache cause speech problems?

i recently suffered a terrible headache while i was nattering to a neighbor, the weather was extremly hot and sunny at the time, then all of a sudden i could'nt get my words out, and when i did they did'nt make much sense!, it was like being drunk.. things came back to normal the following day..any idea's? i would go to the doc's but i feel as though i'm wasting there time when i feel fine now..
when i get mirgranes i find it hard to talk. sentences get muddled up or i may say one wrong word and go to correct it but still say a wrong word. I think as long as your problem is linked to your headache dont worry. If it comes back again but you feel fine nip to your GP
Sun stroke by the sounds of it!
yeah it happens to me sometimes with migranes
Dehydration can give you those symptoms, but I would go and have a chat with your doctor just to be on the safe side.
Sounds like a possible heat stroke, mild stroke, or even an anureism. You really should go to the doctor. Anytime you have something that neurological happen you should have your head Probably doctor will order a cat scan.
i don't want to scare you but ,you really should see a doc asap. this happened to my mom. she had a mini stroke. the words were okay in her head but she couldn't get them out right. please, see the doc.
a serious migrane can ,ive had bad one usualy once a year,it make's side of my mouth go numb,it's like a mini stroke,so yes!
i dont like to worry you but that sounds to me like a T.I.A. -mini stroke.
Go to your doctor who will probably send you for a head scan but dont worry, it doesnt hurt.
Its a warning so for goodness sake take heed.
I didnt and ended up being disabled from a major stroke.
get blood pressure checked and dont be scared chick
Go to your Dr, and get checked out. We pay them to do their jobs, and they have a duty of care for their patients, so you won't be wasting their time.You'll be doing your family an injustice by not ensuring you are OK, if you don't get checked out.
sounds like a migraine attack.
A severe headache can make it hard to concentrate on anything, even what you're saying. However, I'm temporal lobe epileptic and the 'speaking nonsense' sounds like a mild seizure I had the other day. Judging by the way you've worded your question, it sounds as if the headache came on quite suddenly. If that happens again, I'd see your doctor. (It may be an idea to see him/her anyway if the headache persists.)

Can a ligament tear be noticed in an X-Ray or is an MRI scan a must.?

Actually after a very tiring game i feel my right knee irk for a few days and again normal. Recently in a match of football i hurt my left knee. Now and then i feel great pain in both my knees .May be when i just skip a step on stair case or get down a running bus or just jump a little etc.I am also very very insecure about my knees , i am afraid when the pain 'll shoot and so cant trust my left knee at all.There's also a feeling as if i am goinna fall off.I ust cant trust my left knee.My right kne also gives shooting pain now and then.Theres no real pain when the knee is physically pressed with the palm or fingers.The doc suggested waxing and Ultrasound therapy.How far is it good. Is an MRI a must. Do Xrays reveal a ligament tear?? How to make the leg bones stronger ? I eat only sea-food.
X-rays do not show ligaments - you do need an MRI and a clinical assessment by an orthopaedic surgeon.
I am having some of the same symptoms. I just saw my doctor Friday. X-rays did not show much. He thinks it may be a torn meniscus in the side of my knee. He is scheduling me for an MRI sometime this week. Ask your doctor if he will do the same. The hurting will not go away without the correct treatment. I know, I have had this before.
I am pretty sure you will need am MRI. I had a torn tendon and it did not show on the x-ray.
No, you will need an MRI.

Can a human leg or foot be successfully sewn back on . if cut off. and feeling and motion restored ??

It depends on several things: the level of amputation, the amount of local injury to the limb, the degree of circulatory compromise to the amputated part.
usually if an amputated foot or hand is sewn on within a couple of hours of the injury (as long as it's been promptly iced), and if there is not too much local crush injury to the basic limb or the amputated part, most normal gross function can return. However, fine motor touch and sensation may be affected as nerves don't really regenerate, and new peripheral neural connections must be made to compensate.
The general rule is, the more distal the amputation is on the limb, the better the outcome. SO reattaching a finger is going to go better than reattaching a whole hand.
Yes but it has to be put on ice and kept chilled untill the doctors can get ahold of it. I have heard of them being attached with no bad effects for up to 2 hrs after the accident, but usually it's 30 mins before permanent damage occurs.
under the right conditions it can be
Yes, but the most important item to remove is the nerves. The nerves must be able to be, more or less, connected. If not, your brain will not be able to send signals to a specific body part so that it can move.
Yes, under the proper conditions this procedure has been successfully completed dozens of times.
no because it would be infected. blood circulation would not go
Yes, yes, yes, if everything was done right, the limb picked up and kept on ice for a bit. Microsurgery is not a new idea and is done on a daily basis. And to the person that said no because of infection, that is what all the disinfectants and things are for and antibiotics are a wonderful drug for infections. I think I would be more positive about my answer before I gave it.
hmm... probably, with technology today...i would guess it depends on how long the leg had been..."cut off". But there would be a high risk for infection.

Can a hernia hurt more when you first get up? Help, im confused.?

ok so ive had what I think is a hernia now for like 6 years, anyways it always gives me problems when I lift something really heavy, do a sudden movement like juke in football, sometimes when I bend down to pick stuff up etc. When I cough a little bulge pops out in my groin area, so im thinking its a hernia. Anyways this morning when I woek up I felt the hernia type pain for every footstep I took with my left leg, like I would feel testicle pain and groin pain with every footstep, this went away after about 10 mins. This is the third morning this has ever happened, about 2 years ago this happened two mornings in a row. Anyone thats ever had a hernia has this ever happened to you? Like the hernia hurts in the morning?
Yes, of course i know, my brother had it last year it was really bad so he had surgery done. Get a surgery as its only once n the pain will go away forever. After surgery i remember bringing him home of course it hurts a little then but after a week or so everything gets back to normal. You just cant walk for a first few days so u need someone to take care of u n bring food n stuff n everything for u to ur bed. If u r really gonna think abt that then go to ur regular doctor tell him show him n he will refer u to a surgeon then discuss n find out everything with him first before taking the big step.
BEST OF LUCK...(if u really wanna know more then e-mail me)
I'm not exactly sure why your is hurting more in the morning, but I can tell you that they get worse as time goes by, and that if you have had yours for 6 years, it would be a good idea to get it fixed. The reason why, and you may know this, is that when they get bad enough, some intestine will pop through the hole and get stuck for a little while. It cuts off the blood flow and can cause all kinds of bad problems. You could end up in the hospital with gut surgery and come out with a colostomy / poop bag strapped to your leg. Now that would suck! I'm guessing that you are laying on the side where it is, or moving your legs in your sleep and it's bothering it at night. The other thing is, if you aren't moving around much, maybe the muscles in that area are stiffening up. Regardless, If it were me, I'd find a good doc asap and get it fixed.-Kevinps. One other thing - when you already have a hernia, it can get a lot worse all the sudden. I had mine about a year, then I was lifting weights and felt it rip. It didn't get so bad that my guts were falling out, but it hurt pretty bad and was a high priority at that point. You don't want to rip yours at a bad time and place.

Can a head injury cause a dramatic rise in blood pressure that lasts upwards of two weeks.?

That is form 120/80 to 158/90 (fallen from a hiogher rwading)
ahh yes
it's called increased intracranial pressure and that is very very serious
there are other symptoms associated with it, but I don't think you would be on here typing if you had those...i assume you have seen your doctor? if not then go!

Can a hangover really last 2 days?

I went out Wednesday night, had three glasses of wine.I felt as sick as a dog all day yesterday, like I was going to be sick all day, so I ate lots to try and soak it up, but still didn't feel any better.Today I feel just as bad, I have the squits and my head is all wrong. Surely can't be the wine can it? Or perhaps I've been poisoned?
A hangover can possibly last 2 days yes.But on 3 glasses of wine? No! Thats not enough for a 2 day hangover (let alone one). sounds like you are just poorly.
yep - I get a 2 day hangover too. it sucks
I don't think 3 glasses of wine is enough to make you have a hangover for that long. Maybe you've picked up a bug, try drinking lots of water to keep your fluids up and rest. Feel better soon x
Hell yeah! I've had some serious hangovers. 2 days isnt that uncommon, especially as you get older. However, 3 glasses of wine? That doesnt warrant a hangover. Go to your doctor.
I was really ill once because i drank too much, i had two days off work. I suppose it all depens on what you have drank and eaten and if it agrees with you or not i suppose.xx hope you feel better soon xxIm sure ill post a similar question tomorrow after my night out tonight! xx
Yes.. depends on how much you drink
sounds like u are under the weather, get some rest %26 drink plenty of fluids u will be much better in a few days
While a bad hangover can leave one feeling very delicate even after 36 hours, what you describe sounds more like food poisoning. Diarrhoea is not normally associated with a hangover.
3 glasses of wine for any hangover it not possible!You seem to just have a bug that's going round. BED REST for you !!
I had one last 3 days but it took alot of 7n7's and alot of beer. I don't think 3 glasses of wine would do it.
You might have caught a bug. Poisoning is always a possibility but then I don't know who you hang out with.
You could try an experiment and drink 3 glasses of wine again and see what happens.Or you could take some Imodium and go to bed. Either way, good luck.
Yes it can ..particularly if you have some cheap and nasty booze as it goes from being a hangover to a mild form of food poisoning!
sometimes it gets you like that,did you have anything to eat before you went out? maybe the wine was rank?but i do know how you feel, it happened to me last sat nite.i was bad for the next three days.
It can last 2 days but you didn't drink enough to last such a long time. If you are in the UK and live in the south east, there's a bug going around, similar to migraine /hangover that can last up to 5 days, wash it out by drinking plenty of water and very small amount of "bland" food (no spices), eat to the point that you don't feel hungry any more, but not to the point where you feel full up.
Good luck and I hope you feel better soon xx
Yep mine last 2 days, but I think you've got a bug of some sort of eaten something nasty. Three glasses of wine wouldn't be enough to give you a bad hangover
My hangovers last about 4 days!!
I don't think 3 glasses of wine would have quite such a dramatic effect. if you're feeling this way by monday it'd be worth going to the doctors and getting checked out.Last weekend I had a hangover which lasted until 5pm the next day, messy!
Are you taking antibiotics? Or was it a dodgy drink?
you'll be ok tomorrow you just had a drop of plonk so be careful what you drink in future

Can a doctor not give you your Xrays?

I asked my Chiropracters Secretary today for my oringinal Xray to take with me to the NeuroSurgeon on Friday. She told me that they dont give out the Xrays, that they would give me the reports...can they refuse to give it me?
They can only hold them if you haven't paid your bill and only in some states. Most places are happy to actually ship them to your other doctor for you by courier or next-day mail, so yeah, you need to remind them of your patient's rights.
They can demand payment first, but they are your property. Remind her of patient's rights.
If they were covered under workman's compensation then they do not have to give them to you. You'll have to buy copies.
If your insurance covered them and you paid what the insurance did not cover, then they are yours.
I don't think they can give you the X-ray, but I'm pretty certain they should forward it to your surgeon if requested.
they cannot refuse to give you your xrays. do you pay for those services at the clinic? if so then they have no right to deny you your records. they may ask you to pay for a copy of them *on the actual xray film thing* but thats as far as they could go if not then they are completly violating your rights as a patient
Actually, when you pay your bill; the x-rays remain property of the chiropractor. Have your neurosurgeon's office request the x-rays; the chiropractor should send them to the neurosurgeon.

Can a doctor deny treatment without insurance if I can pay in cash or credit?

Just curious
No. They will treat whatever you can pay for.
If you can pay prior to procedure!
yes but usually they wont
Except for some rules involving Medicare, a doctor can refuse to take any patient he/she wants.If the patient wants a surgery that the doctor doesn't feel is warranted, the doctor can't be forced into doing the surgery just because the patient can pay.

Can a cortisone epidural cause more pain?

I received my 3rd cortisone injection on Thursday done with fluoroscopy. It is to treat my L5/S1 disk which is in bad shape and is causing sciatica pain.The 1st two never did anything but this one has increased my pain a lot. I am wondering if anyone has experienced this.My thoughts are that:1. he did it wrong. can these be administered incorrectly and cause more problems?2. the area was much more inflamed than the 1st two times and the injection agrivated it.3. he actually got in the right spot and this is a good sign that in a couple more days i may actually have some relief.Last week I had a lot of pain but could function enough to drive to the store, go to work and take it easy. I am now bed ridden. I suffer to just go to the bathroom, go to the kitchen to grab a quick bite to eat. The pain has increased A LOT!!When I called my doctor about this he showed some concern and told me to take more pain medicine (12 norcos 5/325 a day).
Sometimes the injection will hurt for one week. It's because the cortisone is working at breaking up the inflammation. I've had these types of injections and they hurt quite a lot and then suddenly all the pain dissipates. For now place an ice pack on the area of injection for ten minutes several times a day. Give this one week possibly even ten days to work.
I have had 3 injections my husband has hed 9 including a nerve block and yes they can cause more pain that can last up to 2-3 weeks,I will never have another one and either will my poor husband.see a good nuerosurgeon see what they say.Iwas told to have water theropy which has helped in the past along with pain meds,which I am still on as my back is pretty bad and the only way I can function is on the meds.Try ice alternating with moist heat,(corn or rice bags heated in the microwave work great) Also try arching your back and doing this 5-10 times a day,this helps realine your back,but it will not solve the problem.Those pain clinics will keep you coming back for more pain.No fun being a fric'kin pin cushion.

Can a collection of feces near the colon cause back pain?

I was at work the other day and had to go pretty bad, i noticed my far lower back was in an odd deep sharp pain that I hadnt experienced before. I was curious that maybe the pressure inside could maybe press against the spinal cord or something of the sort.
Yes!I have suffered this many times. I do have comprised (herniated disc) in my lower spine. I'm sure constipation throws my alignment out of wack and causes pain. There has been times my bowels were ready to be relieved but it was not possible for several hours and I had severe back pain until I was able to relieve myself. I know, to much information but you asked the question, lol.GOOD LUCK!
Yes! For sure for sure.
Maybe you strained your axs muscle when having a bowel movement - don't force it dude. Just kidding.

Can a bar of soap under the sheet prevent night-time leg cramps?

a friend told me he'd seen on the internet that a plain bar of soap placed under the sheet will prevent leg cramps and restless leg syndrome. the weird part is i tried it and it seemed to work. is this possible?
Yep it works. I have lots of nurse friends/co-workers who use this and it does work. No clue why but it does.
nope -try eating bananas and drinking Gatorade daily.
No :) Urban legend...soap doesn't have any special properties, but since you were convinced your mind helped you out. Mind over matter, they say.
Dr. Gott- a well known syndicate doc wrote about this and his readers claim it works, as well!
I guess if I ever need it, I'll try it.
Glad it works.
The Doctor couldn't explain how this works either in his article but, it eally seems to.
No. However the mind can work for you if you believe in something.
Try eating two bananas a day and 3 servings of milk/dairy. The lactic acid and potassium will do more than the soap.
When I was a child and I got these cramps, my Grandma told me to stand up and put full weight on my feet and legs - stopped them dead every time.
If you believe it works and it does than that is good. However see a doctor about those cramps because circulation and dehydration can be a serious cause of leg cramps also. And a bar of soap won't be enough for these reasons. Have the cramps checked out just to be sure you can safely continue using just the soap.

Cam i take painkiller?

i was drinking about 5 hours ago but i feel fine and i have bad back pain due 2 ladys things hehe
so would it be ok for me to take them?
I think i would be okay but only take one or 2 and if you throw them up or feel really bad 'd advise you not to take anymore. Hope you feel better soon. x x x
If i were you i wouldn't take anything.. because most painkillers do say on the bottle to not take with alcohol...
Go ahead it will help you sleep.
Go ahead, its been 5 hours
yes but dont drink alchol after taking them[painkillers]
and dont exceed the stated dose for any 24hrs time period
adult max dosage is about 8or6 over the counter[not prescribed by a doctor] painkillers a day[24hrs]read the instructions carefully and make sure they are within the "use by date"
yes u can take.
avoid the pain killer which is metabolised in liver

Calling those who have appendixes removed!?

tell me about the pain you experienced before going to the hospital. how long did it take to development? im having trouble determining whether or not its appendicitis. i had diaharrea and i had pain right above my belly button and after about 8 hours it moved to my right side underneath my belly button but its not sharp or severe. last night i also had a low-grade fever. its much worse when i walk. please help me out!!
Sounds like the appendix -- get to the emergency room without delay. Even if it is not, something is wrong, so you need to find out.When I was five, my appendix blew. Now I'm 62, and I remember it perfectly. The pain was such that I "knew" I was dying. The pain is in the lower right, below the belly button. It will get worse and could be life-threatening, because it is infection. The surgery is very routine these days, but you want to catch it earlier than later.Now go.
mine just hit me fast, bad pain on my lower right side. I had not eaten, so i know it wasn't from food. they removed mine as soon as i got to the hopsital. within 4 hours of the pain starting.
there such thing as alvarado grading of appendicitis,, all that you have mentioned were all included in the grading i think you have really appendicitis
you need to report to the nearest emergency room. do not drive yourself-have someone or an ambulance take you.appendicitis comes on quickly and you're appendix could rupture which can be fatal (i was 4 when mine happened so i don't remember much).if the dr's can catch it before it ruptures, then the surgery is easy and simple-they remove your appendix and keep your for at least a day to make sure you are healing up have classic symptoms of appendicitis, the only other thing is there is a sharp pain when someone pushes down on the area where your appendix is located and then releases quickly. upon release-you will feel a sharp doubling over pain.

Calling athletic trainers or physical therapists?

Can you please help me with a rehabilitation program for a 21-yr old collegiate baseball player? Injury: grade II UCL sprain, does not want to undergo surgery. This plan needs to include strengthening and I want to include an interval throwing program.PLEASE HELP ME! Any advice would work :)
I am gonna assume you mean the UCL in the elbow not the thumb. Is he a pitcher or position player? Most of the problems at the elbow (especially the UCL) come from poor strength in the shoulder and/or poor throwing mechanics. If the poor mechanics are not changed then the problem will continue.
Here is a rehab program:
weeks 1-4: 2-3 x wk 3sets 10 reps each exercise.
-scapular stabilization by strengthening the upper/mid/lower trap, rhomboids, serratus anterior muscles.
-strengthen rotator cuff muscles teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and subscapularis
-strengthen wrist flexors/extensors, pronators/supinators
make sure exercises are relatively painfree
wks 4-6:
-begin throwing program if painfree and palpable pain on the UCL
-throwing program: start with 45 ft throws 5 sets of 25 throws with 15 mins rest inbetween each set. Rest 1 day and if pain free then next day do the same at 60ft...if painfree next day increase to 90ft and so on until he reaches 180ft by increasing 30ft each day. He MUST be painfree to move from 1 distance to the next...and should rest 1 day inbetween each day of throwing. ALWAYS ice after any activity from start to finish of the entire rehab program.

Calling all doctors nurses and anybody who knows about medecines?

what happens when a teenage girl takes about 8-10 advil and there is no one around for a couple hours to take her to the hospitalthe girl is about 200 lbs and 5'5"
i have a friend whos daughter did this but i am unable to contact them and was wondering what usually happens.thankyou god bless
with that kind of body fat, it is likely she will get a stomach ache, and her kidney functions could be at risk. But I doubt much more than that will occur. Have her drink lots of water, and when you can she should be seen by a doctor for blood tests.
this person should be evaluated for many reasons. like why did she take sooo many pills. both psychological and medical intervention are needed. ;)michele

Californian it true that board certified cardiologists from CA are better?

I heard that CA board is more strict and stringent is this true?
Absolutely not!! The best are not necessarily in the West!! I have been a Cardiac RN for many years. The East,especially Boston,has The top specialist available in th Good Ole'US of A!! But, CA is getting better !

Califorina Workers comp Laws.?

Does anyone know of a good site about the laws of workers comp in CA? I Have a friend that was fired while he was injured from his job. And he has been getting the shaft to say the least for 3yrs going on 4 now.
His Att- Says they cant fire him and they have to do this and that But he cant seem to get ANYTHING, Money beiing the biggest he is getting TD payments but thats it. Im hoping someone out there has had someone with the same problem or like it and knows a few things about workmans comp here in CA, if you want you could e-mail me
Answer: Try this site. I think they have what you need. Good luck and I would look for a new lawyer. It shouldn't take this long to resolve the issue, but who knows.
I'm in CA but don't really know workers comlp that much. I do know that if his attorney is not doing anything for him, he needs a new attorney. An attorney is the only one that will be able to make sense of the workers comp law.
Yes, Chloe is correct. Your friend should get another attorney.
Sounds like the att. is not too interested in this case.
Unless the employer has proof that your friend wasn't hurt on the job.

Calf pain when walking, Not jogging/running?

Ever since I can remember I have had terrible calf pain after around 5 mins of walking, but as soon as i start jogging a little it completly disapears.. I Stretch for around 20mins before and it makes no difference.. any Ideas?? I'm soooo sick of this pain
It sounds crazy, but you may need more potassium in your diet. Try eating some bananas.
Whenever i walk on pavement my calf's hurt. So i had to go to the doctor so yea you should prob do that too or its your shoes hope this helped.
i think you should try eating a banana 30mins before walking
well streatch more, the pain u feel is working, when there is pain, around the muscle group, u either did it too hard, or its a good thing, because the muscle is building, so if ou want to relax it.
u can use power walking, see if that helps, if you walk slowly, u will feel it, so walk faster, or use a bike, and then walk.
or take a break, wait a day or two, and walk again

Caffeine Pills?

I have to wake up for work at 6:30...and I work until 5:00. I plan on going home and napping for about 2-3 hours...but Friday I have to be awake for a trip with my boyfriend from 9:00pm till about 12:00 noon the next day. I don't think I am going to make it! I am thinking about taking some sort of caffeine pill just this one time. I've never taken them before and I have been reading about the possible side-effects of shaking, increased heart rate etc. I drink so much coffee it doesn't really phase me anymore. Or would eating chocolate covered coffee beans be a better choice?? Something along those lines.Thanks so much.
Too much caffeine is not good at all . However , naps work wonders . Any time you are sleep deprived , though , it is not a good idea to drive while tired . In some states it is a punishable crime to drive while tired . I saw a sign on a highway in Wisconsin saying "we prosecute" ..A nap ; a good meal and a a few cups of coffee is OK ; but anything like pills and you will be wired ; maybe raising blood presure and causing undue stress to the heart .
I worked in law enforcement for several years and No-doz was my best friend. It might make you a little jittery, but it does the job. Just follow the directions.

Buttocks pain = Back Pain?

For the past month, my right buttocks cheek has been sore (it feels like a pulled muscle). But lately, in addition to the right butt cheeck pain, my spine/back on the lower right side hurts a lot as well. A friend of mine says it could be a tight hamstring, but others have said it could be some serious back deterioration. Anyone experience this?
I would see my doctor. I have osteo-arthritis in the severe degenerative stages, it's the same feeling you get, the sciatic nerve and the back. Mine is a lot worse. The doctor can take X-Rays and see what the problem is if any.
If you have anything showing up, he'll order MRI's and go from there. It could be anything at all with all the problems the spine can bring, I know.
A blown disc, an herniated disc, a vertebrae that's stenosis or a bulging disc. A number of things.
i would go see a doctor . it could be a herniated disk
I have degenerative disc disease and arthritist in my spine. I am only 40. I can tell you my cheeks hurt like yours I rode it out I tried everything and then pain just took me down. You need to go see a doctor get some xrays and maybe an mri. Back pain is debilitating and doe snot get better without treatment.
“every morning my memory foam mattress king brings a big smile in my face…every waking moment is such a joy…most comfortable sleep ever…back pain is gone…my partner and my kids loves it as well…”
by Maisie

Buttcheek pain?

while at work my right butt cheek starts to kill me. It's not in the middle of the cheek but at the top of my ***. Someone said said that it could be my ciatic (don't know the proper spelling of that, sorry) nerve. What is that and what can I do to make it stop hurting?
Your sciatic nerve is being pinched. Prolonged sitting and especially hard surfaces escalates the problem. Usually sciatic nerve pinches are caused by herniated disc in the low lumber L-5 to S-1 region.I had a sever pinch of the L-5/S-1 that took immediate surgery to make it live-able. However, I cannot work at a sit down job of more than a couple hours a day. Walking and standing is ok but prolonged sitting is a killer.Sitting with your legs elevated will help relieve the pressure from the sciatic nerve region.
I recommend staying away from Chiropractors but seeing either a Neurologist or an Orthopedic Doctor to see what can be done in your case.Below I pasted an article for you to visit and read up on the condition.Please feel free to see my profile and e-mail if you have any specific questions.GOOD LUCK!
if it's the ciatic nerve you may need to go to a chiropractor. also could be your kidney.. in that case.. you REALLY need to see a doc.
i know how u feel am suffering from the same thing, sciatica is a horrible pain the dr, told me to get xrays done but that doesn't show up w/ xrays u have to have mri to really see, it hurts so bad am always putting icy hot on it, to relieve the pain.
Could be the sciatica,but see your doctor.My problem was inflammation of the sciatica.I was prescribed anti inflammatory medication,and it did the trick.
Knots in muscles can apply pressure that caused numbness, pain and instability (like ones knee buckling)
I would see if a massage therapist can help first. (it will be noticeable and originally painful but improves)
I also use a chiropractor.
For more information on muscles read The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Davies.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Butt pain?

ever since i gave birth to my now 6 month old daughter, I have had spasm like pains in my right butt cheek.. but it's like a deep inside pain. It is not going away and it is really uncomfortable. it usually spazes up after I get up from sitting a while, but sometimes out of nowhere.. making it very difficult for me to walk when it's happening. anyone else have these pains or know what it could be? and what are treatment options..does it go away?
You need to see your doc for x-rays. Sounds like sciatica maybe. See your doc and find out what is causing it.
i wear huggies


What is the difference between bursitis and arthritis?
Bursitis is inflammation of a bursa...which is a very thin fluid filled sac meant to allow smooth motion of a tendon over a bony spot in the body. Arthritis is inflammtion of the articular cartilage on the bones in between the bones of a joint.
Bursitis is a fluid build up around a joint where as arthiritis is a problem in the joint itself

Burping loudly constantly...any medical conditions assoc. w/this?

I started burping very loudly and frequently a couple of years ago, and it has yet to cease. People are very amused by it because I am a female, but I have to admit that sometimes it gets frustrating. My doctor prescribed acid reflux medicine, but none of it (Zantac, Pepcid AC, etc.) has helped control my burping. I've also tried charcoal pills, but they had almost no effect either. I have a pretty healthy diet, I don't eat too many "airy" foods and I very rarely drink soda, so I don't think my problem pertains to my eating habits, either. I'm just confused as to why it happens so much, and whether or not there are any health consequences involved. Thanks for your help!
Burping or belching is most often caused by swallowed air, usually while eating or drinking. The sulfur belch has a distinct " rotten egg smell"which is cause by a sulfur dioxide -gas escaping to the air. Burping that occurs with other symptoms, such as pain, heartburn, nausea, a decreased appetite, or weight loss, may have a more serious cause. In this case that might indicate stomach or esophagus cancer. Gallstones or another problem with the gallbladder may cause burping that is worse after eating and occurs with pain in the upper right abdomen that spreads to the back or shoulder.Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) may cause burping and heartburn that gets worse when you bend over or lie down.
An ulcer may cause persistent burping, indigestion, and pain that comes and goes in the upper abdomen.Cancer of the stomach or esophagus may cause burping that occurs with nausea, decreased appetite, and persistent abdominal discomfort and fullness after eating.Other conditions that may cause burping include:Anxiety.
Slowed movement of food through the intestines (motility disorders).
Blocked passage of food through the stomach or intestines (bowel obstruction or gastric outlet obstruction).
A large collection of undigested material, such as food, hair, or swallowed objects in the stomach (gastric)GastritisIBS or irittable swallowing syndrome.Eating certain kinds of foods will cause burps. Such gasseous foods are onions, garlic, potatoes, chili beans potato chips or fried foods. and any dairy products such as cheese and milk. Eating a heavy meal would cause it.; as well as eating too fast. Alcohol esp beer can also cause belching or burping.
Burping is cause by swallowing excess has to find its way out again. You must swallow air when you drink or eat!!Excess air is actually trapped in your esophagus and not stomach...which is why it finds it's way up again, often beyond your control.Here is an interesting site on burping with some reasons as to allergies may be one you might want to explore! last two paragraphs may be of interest too!..
burp loud and long, if that's what it takes to get acid off your stomach. Try going back to the doctor to get some stronger meds. But be happy about your burping... because i rarely burp.. and it causes many problems. Also, find something about this situation that makes you laugh... and forget everybody else. IT's a good thing to burp. i promise good luck sweetheart
Burping occurs when undigestible food fermets and makes gas. You can either try Gas-ex or al onger way but no meds. Start leaving one big food item a week and see how much burping occurs. It will take some time before you will find, which food make you burp more, start eliminating from you diet, in addition all can cause you gas which may come out as a burp. If not released it can be very painful.
I have a friend who had this problem... everyone found her amusing, too.
She finally went to the Dr. and discovered she had an ulcer.
Have your Dr. check you out.
it is really have to go to a doctor. It might mean that you have the madness colone..that means ur always in a hurry and you want things you get mad allot?? somethings to do whith it is sighns of it!!feel srry for u it will stay wit u ur whole life!!
See Rosie C's answers...excellent..go to the doctor for tests. if you are overweight and stressed thats a factor too

Burnt thumb?

i burned my thumb this afternoon and i burnt it pretty badly (i think) does anybody have anything that i can do so it stops stinging (I have aloe and ice on it)
Ow! Run it under cold water. Ice can actually make it worse. Aloe is great! Also, after aloe-ing it, put your hand in front of an air conditioning vent, fan, or freezer! It makes it feel soooo much better.
What you are doing already is a pretty good start and burns do tend to sting for hours. Have you tried a couple of pain killers to help? If it does get any worse, go and see your doctor as he may be able to subscribe you something stronger to take the pain away.
Petroleum jelly [AKA vasoline,] can help with burns.
If you are up for a run to the drug store, there is a spray called "Dermoplast". It feels like a fire extinguisher :0) and can be reapplied as needed. Many hospitals use this.

Burnt my foot with a curling iron- healed but scarred! HELP?

How can I get rid of a scar on my foot from a healed burn of a curling iron?The burn is completely healed but it has left a scar. I've been using polyporin and vitamin e but nothing has worked. HELP!
depending on the scar it may or may not fade away. If its a raised scar then you should stop wasting your time and money its going to be there unless you have a plastic surgeon work on it. If its just a discoloration now then it might actually fade some on its own and vanish with time. Generally the scar from a burn falls into one of the two mentioned categories it mostly depends on how bad the burn was to start with... You really can't get rid of a scar once its there. Some get limited results from mederma (i think that's how its spelled) but it works best on scars from cuts and scrapes. A burn scar is usually not effected by it.
I really dont know if scars go away. It will eventually after months/years have passed will go away but in a long period. Sorry but good luck.
o.k. how did u burn your FOOT with a curling iorn!?!?!?!?
They make special patches called 'Scar Solutions' I believe that's what they are called. I think you can get them at your doctor's office.
way to go, learn how to hold a curling iron
The best solution is wait for it to disappear. I had two accidents when I was in my early teens. The first accident was when i was ironing my clothes on the floor because we didn't have a ironing board. I accidentally yanked the cord and the iron fell on my leg. The second accident was when I rode a motorcycle with my younger brother and a tenant of ours. After the motorcycle stopped and was parked, I got down the motorcycle and my leg touched the hot exhaust. Both of these accidents caused scars on my legs. It took a long long time for them to disappear. The good thing about your accident is that it's on your foot. It's not as visible as mine.
This probably means you burnt the area of the foot that has very little flesh over the bones, if so I'm sorry but theres not a lot you can do . the scar will fade in time but never disappear

Burnt hand...cont.?

five days ago, i burnt the back of my hand, with hair removing wax, so i put it under running water, and peeled of the wax, some of my skin came off, now it's heeling well, but my question is, the part where my skin did not peel, i had blisters, then, they were popped accidentally but i have no infection or anything, but the skin where the blisters were, is totally brown, so would my skin stay brown, after it heals, or how would it heal now? because it looks gross to have a brown scar on my hand.
It's most likely dead skin so it will go away on its own. You shouldn't be left with much, if any scarring, however it will take a while before any discoloration goes away. If anything, once the dead brown skin goes away, you'll have some pinkish, sensitive new skin underneath. The skin will eventually fall away on its own...don't pick at it otherwise the new skin underneath will come out too soon and won't be ready. Neosporin is great for burns. Working in a pizza house for many years and having numerous oven burns on hands and arms, I learned that it helps and keeps aways infections too! Good luck!
I would wait till it heals completely, scab gone and everything and buy some of those "Scar Healing" bandages. They are a little pricey but they work. Use them the way they tell you to and they will really help reduce the scarring, but you can't start using them till after the scabs/blisters are all healed up and gone.
cold water is the best thing when you burn yourself - 20 minutes under the tap is ideal. never ice or vinegar or milk or butter.6 days later now so i would advise that you cover the burnt area with sterile paraffin wax or aqueous cream bp or solugel. (thats in order or recommendation). (this treatment will still help - continue for 10days from now i would say)cover the burnt area in paraffin wax after cleaning and removing any burst blisters - these are just sites of infection and will take longer to heal. wash and reapply every 4-6 hours - cover with cling wrap if you wish to cover with clothes - this will stop your clothes getting covered with paraffin and maintains the burn.paraffin creates a seal stopping water leaving the body and reduces pain as it protects sensitised nerves. the paraffin imitates the natural oils secreted by the skin. skin cells are better able to multiply and regenerate with this treatment. pain is also helped. make sure you buy plenty of this paraffin - as the burn heals switch to aqueous cream bp. this helps - let me know how you go and what similar brands/altenatives are avalible in your area

Burns how do I help with the recovery?

I would like to know how to help with the recovery of my burns. is a photo of my burns on my calf. What degree burn does it look like?
What treatment should I do to help with the recovery. Thanks.
I scalded my arm about 20 years ago when I knocked a full kettle of boiling water over myself. It went from wrist to shoulder. The Consultant at the hospital told me that I would probably need skin grafts. I went to a herbalist on the way home from hospital who told me to put pure undiluted lavender essential oil on it. Soak it in it and keep doing it. It was like magic, it is not cheap, but they could not believe the results at the hospital. You are supposed to add a carrier oil to the lavender but we have used it ever since undiluted as described. It works every time. I have more pigment in the skin on that arm so it suntans freckly and browner, but otherwise absolutely perfect.
Appears to be partial thickness. To help recovery eating good amounts of protien 1gram per one kilogram of your weight will help. Application of a soothing nonpetro lotion will also help.
You have a mixture of 1st and 2nd degree burns.The best thing you can do now as they are partially healed is apply fresh aloe vera gel.
Or go to the chemist and ask them to recommend a good cream that minimises scarring as this will scar.Also including in your diet a good mixture of protein, zinc and Vitamin D.Just watch for any signs of infection.
ummm that photo wasn't the greatest but if you not going to a burns unit then cover it with paraffin wax or aqueous cream (which is mostly paraffin) this creates a seal like natural oils skin normally produces. it retains moisture and protects from bacteria and pain. i hope you were able to cool the burn under cold water for 20 minutes at least.

Burns ... i burnt my finger it hurts really bad what can i do to help it??

extract or yogurt or sour cream or egg white - not until it is fully healed!i would advise that you cover the burnt area with sterile paraffin wax or aqueous cream bp. (check the links below and see if you can find a local equivalent)cover the burnt area in paraffin wax after cleaning and removing any burst blisters - these are just sites of infection and will take longer to heal. wash and reapply every 4-6 hours - cover with cling wrap if you wish to cover with clothes - this will stop your clothes getting covered with paraffin and maintains the burn.paraffin creates a seal stopping water leaving the body and reduces pain as it protects sensitised nerves. the paraffin imitates the natural oils secreted by the skin. skin cells are better able to multiply and regenerate with this treatment. pain is also helped. make sure you buy plenty of this paraffin - as the burn heals switch to aqueous cream bp.(aqueous cream has a bunch of paraffin in it plus some moisturisers - look out for stuff that also contains sorbolene or glycerine as these help also). following this regime definitely will help your sunburn heal faster and peel less. aloe is good coz it remoisturises but that moisture can be quickly lost as the skin can't contain fluids- this is a function of healthy put aloe on the paraffin on over the top as long as there is no broken skin this works great. if there is broken skin leave out the aloe - just paraffin this helps - let me know how you go and what similar brands/alternatives are available in your area email if you still have questions - send photos
soak it in cold water
Air makes it hurt. FIRST, is the skinned charred? Or are there skin bubbles? Or is the skin just red?Charred - get to ER!
Bubbles - cover with clean dressing. NO burn ointment or anything like that. NO butter, your finger is not toast. If bubbles break, watch for infection.
Red - run cool water over it, dry and bandage.
Soak in cold water and apply ice. DO NOT use butter, cream or oils to sooth it. The heat generated by the burn will actually cook it from the inside out and make the burn worse even though it feels better.
Think about it. Your burn took the moisture out of the finger so you need to put the moisture back in. The moisture in your body is water, not oil so use water.
Hope you feel better!
Put it in vinegar. Surprisingly, vinegar actually stops the pain. Do this as needed. If it's not a really serious burn the vinegar should do the trick.Do try really does work.Good luck! :)
^Use cool water, put your finger under running water or wet a towel and loosely wrap it. What ever you do don't use butter or anything greasy, it will make the burn worse. If you blister, don't pop it or you may get an infection. I hope you feel better soon.
Preperation-H Oitment is Great for burns. You may want to call your local pharmacy such as Walmart or CVS or Rite-Aid.
Do NOT wrap it in any wet dressing or soak it in water/ice water (I'm right about this, I just got my Advanced Burn Life Support certification).Keep the dressing clean and dry. If the burn is really bad, go to the emergency room.
use aloe vera or at least put antibacterial stuff on it. you can put an ice cube on it.
As a Certified Professional Rescuer im required to know first aid, I would recommend running it under cold water first, and keep running it, then dry it a little, If its burnt and not blistered or the skin is not broken, apply some small amounts of antiseptic, Itll burn like hell but itll go away after a short amount of time, usually 15-20 minutes, I have a burn on my side that I did that with. Then, Apply a dry sterile dressing to it. If its an electric burn, dont run it under water, it wont help, If you burnt yourself on something warm, Keep it cool. Hope you feel better.
THE BEST WAY is to soak ur figer in COLD water for 10 minutes dont take it out.leave it like tht for 10 minutes.any cut, burn, pain, will obvously hurt anyway.

Burning, annoying pain?

I'm only 17, but since I was 5 or 6 I've had one spot on my back right near my right shoulder blade where it just burns and hurts like hell. Recently, with work, it has gotten a thousand times worse, with pain traveling down my arm to my fingers and severe, burning pain in my whole left shoulder/back. I plan on seeing a chiropractor, but I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similiar, and what they did to treat it. Thank you
A chiropractor can't help you. You need to see a Neurologist. There are meds that can help with the pain that are specifically for nerve pain and aren't addictive.
chiropractic is the best
go soon
I wouldn't go to a chiropractor, I'd go to a neurologist or a musculo-skeletal specialist. This sounds serious ~ you have to see a doctor ASAP.
Sounds like the story of my everyday life! Yes, I get that too. I'm glad you're going to the chiropractor. Many times when something's out of place like that, nerves get pinched and cause all kinds of pain. Take some ibuprofen to get you by until you see the chiropractor. Good luck!
I've had pain like that. It sounds like you have a problem with your spine, maybe something is out of alignment, causing the nerves to react. I know you said the pain was in your shoulder area, but it's called referred pain, and it happens with spinal misalignment. Certainly see a chiropractor, but in the meantime, I've found moist heat works. Dampen a thick towel, put it in the microwave for 60 seconds, check it's not too hot, then lay it on the sore spot until it cools.
Keeping the area warm is a good idea, and avoid sitting hunched over, it only makes it worse.
It sounds like you have some nerve damage from something that happened a while ago. A chiropractor could help out but making an appointment with a neurologist is a much better idea. Seeing this kind of specialist will make a diagnosis a much faster and more reliable route to take. I have fibromyalgia and I did see a chiropractor but this only made my condition worse. A massage therapist is a good idea but is something to ask a specialist about once you are in the exam room.
Good luck with this and I hope you get some kind of relief soon. Being in pain constantly can take a toll on you both physically and mentally. the sooner you see a specialist the better.

Burning throat?

for about week now i have noticed that some days i get a really bad burning sensation in my throat. at first i thought it might have been a cold but now it has come and gone depending of the day so it cant be a cold. it just feels like my neck is on fire. and for some reason i have started burping a lot as well. it doesnt hurt at the back of my mouth but only the neck part. it is really annoying. and i.e. drinking orange juice hurts really bad.( dont know if it matters but i am 7 months pregnant )
Its acid reflux you fool, it occurs all the time especially when your pregnant. that burning is your stomach acid coming up into your throat. Dont drink Orange juice it will only make it worse b/c its a very acidic drink. when you feel the burning just take a few teaspoons of apple cider will neutralize the acid and you will feel relief immediatly.
could be acid reflux or a heartburn im not sure but see your doctor
Sounds to me like acid reflux-- common when baby starts pushing on the tummy. I think you can take Tums (which has calcium in it) to help even while pregnant -- but I would go to the pharmacist and ask for sure. Stop drinking orange juice and other acidy things -- this just makes it worse. There are other ways to get vitamin C that don't have as high of an acid content. If you just gotta have the OJ -- find a brand that says "low acid" on it.And call your OB first thing Monday. Sometimes this is the first indicator of other problems so you can't be too careful.

Burning like pain behind left shoulder while lifting dumbbells with right arm.?

The title explains it. It's always in the same spot, only with my right arm. It's not a lot of weight. Its a somewhat burning, sharp pain that may continue for a few seconds after about 5-7 lifts. Not sure what to do.
Could also have something to do with the nerves. Also, if you are just starting out with doing this exercise it could be that your muscles aren't used to this yet.I would recommend talking to your dr about this to have them evaluate the situation further.
could be muscle strain?
Sounds like you may have a pinched nerve, I have that same pain you are describing. The doctor told me that it is a pinched nerve. good luck.

Burning In Legs?

I was sitting for a while playing a video game, and it started cutting off the circulation, so i got up, and moved around, but now i have a burning in the back of my legs every now and then. What is it?
I'm also thinking it's your sciatic nerve. Burning and tingling in the legs is one of the first symptoms of sciatica. See your doctor.
just the blood rushing back into them.
Circulation in your legs,you can try sitting on a pillow or something softer.%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;
Could be your sciatica nerve, get it checked out. Feeling blood circulate is OK, but there shouldn't be a burning sensation.
It's poor blood circulation.
If it just happened from playing video games, keep moving around and it should go away once your circulation is back to normal.
From being in an awkward position, you may have irritated your sciatic nerve which can cause pain in the buttock region and radiates to the back of the leg. It should go away in a few days.

Burned with iron, HELP!?

I burned my arm last night when I accidentally bumped into an iron. The skin turned waxy at first and then it progressively got worse. Now, the very middle has risen up and looks like a blister filled with pus and the skin immediately around it is darker in color...almost leathery looking. I don't know what to do and I don't even know what degree burn it is. It's just on my arm and its such a little burn but I don't want it to scar and I want to take care of it.
It is a SECOND degree burn.Easiest way to tend to it is to go to a walk-in clinic and ask for treatment. It will likely involve ointments, gauze and bandage rolls, along with some (mild) pain meds. The key to the degree of the burn is the fluid build-up in the blister. This means it is more than simply a superficial has gone to the deeper layers of the skin, although it has likely not killed the skin in the area.Since it is a second degree burn, I have to assume you were in contact with the iron for more than a few seconds - hard to do from bumping something. If this was caused by application, and you are not the one who applied it...that is called domestic or spousal abuse, and that is a one way street leading to more pain and possibly death. If this is true...leave the situation and do NOT return to it.As to the scar formation...sorry to tell you, but second degree burns almost always leave scars. However, you can take steps to reduce the likelihood of it being a big nasty scar by proper medical treatment, with antibiotics and the right skin conditioning cremes, you can minimize the size of the scar.
Do not pop it ! Call your doctor and have it looked at. Also, do not cover it !
Sounds like a third degree burn. If it is covering a small area, you need to drain the blister and top with a thin layer of Neosporin, then cover with clean, dry gauze. If you're dealing with a larger area, say more than an inch in diameter, go to your general practitioner or an Urgent Care facility.
Put some triple antibiotic ointment cream on it! It will keep it from getting infected and keep it from scaring, also to heal faster! Hope this helps, I've had bad burn before!
Oh like some one else said don't cover it, it needs air to heal! Unless your going to be in a dusty place, but then only cover for as long as needed only!
emtd65 just gave you the perfect advice. Hopefully you are reading this after you have gotten back from the hospital. Your still here? GO!
Its at least a second degree burn, but almost sounds like a 3rd degree burn. Unfortunately you will probably have a scar, since rarely does a burn not leave a scar. You can use Mederma on it, I have heard it works! As for the burn itself, you should apply a burn ointment to it, preferably silvadine which is available by prescription only. Keep the burn covered at all times to prevent it from getting infected. Also make sure to watch for signs of infection such as redness, warmth, red streaking, swelling, and pus (or increasing pus in your case) If you are able to see a doctor, please do!
Good Luck!
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