I am going into hospital soon to have 4 teeth pulled. I have only been in hospital once when I was younger and it was horrible. The worst part was the blood test. I have a serious phobia of needles and ended up with 2 nurses and my mother holding me down. The pain was so severe (I'm sure due to shock) that I couldn't use my arm for 3 days and I kept fainting every time I thought about it. The operation itself wasn't as bad. The canula in the back of my hand hurt more, but I didn't get that dragging, sickening feeling I had with my arm - if you've seen that puppet scene in Nightmare On Elm Street you'll know what I mean! It literally felt as though they were pulling my vein out! I've been told I may just be unusually sensitive inside my arm, which is why it hurt so much. It's been over 10 years now and I still have nightmares. My teeth really hurt though and are impacted, so I need this op. So, two questions... 1) Will I need a blood test? 2) Can I have it done in my hand instead?
Yes blood can be taken from your hand.If you are nervous about pain when being injected with needles ask the Dr or Nurse before hand to numb the area with EMLA cream. It is usually put on the area 10-15 minutes before the needle is injected. This way you shouldn't feel a thing and if you do it would be VERY minimal.As well as this helping by numbing the area it might also help you psychologically? you wont be expecting as much pain and therefore maybe make it feel a little less dramatic for you. Either way I feel it is worth a shot.You said that the canula hurt more in your hand. This could have been from having a big needle inserted. You could always ask to have the smaller needle inserted so that maybe your pain will be reduced?
I always have the smallest needle and can quite comfortably have the canula in my hand for 3 days.
Good luck :0) - I hope that everything works out for you!
yes and yesgood luck with the op sweetie xxx
I'm sure it can be taken from anywhere and it probably is the fear which is making it worse for you. If you need to be anesthetized then you cold just ask for the gas form.
Arm or Wrist - Technology has moved on now and it's not the case of a needing huge needles anymore.They will probably use a 'butterfly needle' which is very small and only about 2cm long. It looks like a butterfly due to the small plastic wings it has at the top each side.
Yes, blood can be taken from the foot and the scalp in unusual cases. And taking it from the back of the hand is often practiced. But what I really suggest for you is, talk to your Dr and explain that you are phobic of blood being taken, not just a bit but a LOT and ask if you can have the area numbed before the test is done. In paediatrics, they are able to place cream over the arm (or where ever) for 30 minutes to numb the area prior to having the blood test taken. Ask if you can have this also and then at least, you will know it wont hurt and you can concentrate on breathing to get yourself through the rest of the procedure. I suspect as your phobia is deep rooted, you will need to do some breathing exercises because even numb, you may still react. Tell yourself it will not hurt in like a mantra or meditation kind of way and this may help.Good Luck with the Op
Yes sweetie, just request it, i had to have a canula two weeks ago and they put it in the back of my hand as the veins there were better. Plus my daughter was really poorly before xmas and her veins kept collapsing where they had to take so much blood and give her transfusions, she ended up with canulas in her foot and head so they can do it pretty much anywhere i think. Try not to worry, and why not ask for some gas and air first too relax you before the needles. Or ask for some cream to numb your hand, my daughter hates needles to and they put some cream on her hand for an hour to completely numb the area so she can just look away and it's done before she knows it.
Not from a stone!Kidding, trying to lighten the mood! If you explain your fears to the docs they will do whatever they can to make you feel at ease.Good luck.
Don't panic (i know that's easy for me to say)but you might just have had a crap nurse taking the blood,if its done properly then it's painless.
You probably need a blood a blood test for various reasons.
Yes you can ask for it to be taken from somewhere other than your arm.
Just explain to them that you have a phobia and they will do their utmost to help you.
You're a big girl now, so chin up eh.
Yes, I had blood taken from the back of my hand when they could not find a decent vein in my arm
I'l just go directly for the questions you asked.1) Possibly, though I would be inclined to guess no. They would catch any abscess through the x-ray usually. If they do a blood test, they would be checking for infection, most likely. I don't believe that's necessary or standard practice for simple impacted teeth.2) Yes, you can. You can help the process along by staying well hydrated that day. That will keep your circulatory volume up... making the veins an easier target. Generally speaking, for blood draws, a butterfly needle or Luer barrel with needle adaptor are used.Be sure to remind the nurse to wait until the alcohol has dried. Some are inconsiderate and won't take the time for it to dry... which tends to cause the venipuncture to sting more.
i hade 4 teeth out in hospital aswell but it was supposed to be 5 so make sure they take out the right amount!! but dont worry, they didnt take any blood from me. i dont think:|
you'll be fine.
good luck
I don't see why they would have to take any blood from you when your only having teeth out.
You will probably need a cannula in your arm, and just request to have it in the back of your hand as apposed to your inner elbow. Also when they're inserting it ask at the time if you will need any bloods taken as directly after the cannula is inserted and before anything is put down it blood can be taken from here without the need for further stabs.
Also if you tell them you were sensitive before they will be able to numb the area on your hand first before inserting the cannula.
Good luck with the op :)
you may need a blood test not sure yes you can have it done in your hand also you can get a gel or cream to put on before they do the op this is so you dont feel the needle ask about it at the hospital
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