about 3 weeks ago i hit my little toe on the chair in the kitchen and broke my little toe it hurts like heck i know if i go to the er they wont do anything for a broken toe but everyone keeps stepping on it and im trying to stay out of everyones way where they cant step on it again any suggestions for me thanks.
See a doctor as soon as possible if you think that you have a broken bone in your foot or toe. Until your appointment, keep weight off the leg and apply ice to reduce swelling. Use an ice pack or wrap the ice in a towel so it does not come into direct contact with the skin. Apply the ice for no more than 20 minutes at a time. Take an analgesic such as aspirin or ibuprofen to help relieve the pain. Wear a wider shoe with a stiff sole. Rest is the primary treatment for stress fractures in the foot. Stay away from the activity that triggered the injury, or any activity that causes pain at the fracture site, for three to four weeks. Substitute another activity that puts less pressure on the foot, such as swimming. Gradually, you will be able to return to activity. Your doctor or coach may be able to help you pinpoint the training errors that caused the initial problem so you can avoid a recurrence. The bone ends of a displaced fracture must be realigned and the bone kept immobile until healing takes place. If you have a broken toe, the doctor will "buddy-tape" the broken toe to an adjacent toe, with a gauze pad between the toes to absorb moisture. You should replace the gauze and tape as often as needed. Remove or replace the tape if swelling increases and the toes feel numb or look pale. If you are diabetic or have peripheral neuropathy (numbness of the toes), do not tape the toes together. You may need to wear a rigid flat-bottom orthopaedic shoe for two to three weeks. If you have a broken bone in your forefoot, you may have to wear a short-leg walking cast, a brace, or a rigid, flat-bottom shoe. It could take six to eight weeks for the bone to heal, depending on the location and extent of the injury. After a week or so, the doctor may request another set of X-rays to ensure that the bones remain properly aligned. As symptoms subside, you can put some weight on the leg. Stop if the pain returns. Surgery is rarely required to treat fractures in the toes or forefoot. However, when it is necessary, it has a high degree of success.
fix it
err hard toed shoes?? what on earth can you be doing for everyone to be stepping on it? can you borrow a walking stick and if it does keep people away ,then bash them with it?? lol
if it gets really bad then stop indoors for a few days and rest with it up, otherwise rest assured it will improve- i have broken my little toes a number of times (long dull story!) and it hurts but not for too long
Tape the broken toe to the next with plaster (the strip kind) it will take about 6 weeks but it will get better if in doubt go to A/E
I have continually fracturing toes so yes I sympathise it does hurt like heck. If you went to the doc's all they can do is strap it up to the next toe with tape so it heals straight other than that they say to wear wide fitting open toe sandals so there is no pressure on it. I have to use a stick to walk so I use that to keep people off!! lol
Broke one of the middle toes few years back, can't do anything for them except take strong pain killers and try to stay out of the crowds.
Just seems that everyone is stepping on it, you just realise how much it happens moe when you are in agony.Hope it gets better soon!
Get Medical tape and tape it to the toe next to it. If your worried about people stepping all over it use two layers as padding.
R: rest
I: Ice( 20 min, on and off...dont put it on longer than 20 min or you WILL get frost bite)
C: compress
E: elevateHope you get better=]
I fractured my pinky toe a few years back and they wanted to cast up to me knee! I told them no way and they just bandaged it to the toe next to it and i wore a moon boot for a little while until i could walk on it again.
try taping the toe to your next toe as that is meant to help it heal.
i did exactly the same as you have done but you have to let it heal on its own there is nothing the hospital can do and yes it is painful//mine was a month before i could consider it OK good luck
you cant do nothing for a broken toe keep it clean and let the brusing come out wear tight socks
The best thing you can do is to tape your toe to the next toe to it. That will act as a splint for your broken toe. Then wear loose fitting shoes and keep people away from it.
Hi there,Yeah I know the prob. I broke my middle toe when I fell over and everyone did the same! 3 weeks is only a short time for this injury, I hate to say it but it will take longer for it to heal.Doctors cannot put plaster etc. on toes and they do naturally heal themselves. Firstly you need to rest it as much as poss. I was given a pair of crutches from my local hospital which was great as they served the purpose of keeping the weight off my foot as well as making a good weapon for tapping at people who got too close!!. And dogs for that matter.Once the swelling has gone down, try to use the toe in walking and putting weight on it as much as poss. to exercise the muscles in the joint.Hope this helps!!
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