
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Can anyone tell me what this is?

I have resently had some lower right pelvic pain and it felt like a sharp object trieing to push through my skin and it would throb really bad when i would set down or lay down on the area . My Doctor had a vaginal sonogram done on me and it came back normal. But some times it still bothers me. Has anyone have the same problems?
I get a pain on either side when I'm ovulating. It's the egg coming down and saying "impregnate me!". The next month it's on the other side,(the other ovary.) It happens 14 or 15 days before my period. As you can imagine, it was very easy to get pregnant! Since your pain is only on the right side, I'm sure you've ruled out your appendix, right? You may be ovulating from your right ovary only. Then it would be every other month about 2 weeks before your period. If it's bothering you more often than that, I'd go to another gynacologist. Good luck, kiddo!! :) -L.
Ultrasound , unfortunately , cannot see or image anything involving the colon . Seeing as your Pelvis ultrasound was normal , this means that the uterus and ovaroes were found to have nothing sonographically abnormal .but there can still be issues with the colon , like colitis , or diverticulitis , or perhaps even hernia. Also , ultrasound cannot equivically diagnose endometriosis which can also cause pain ; and can only be definitively diagnosed via laprascopic evaluation . Another option , perhaps you had a cyst , and your pain was the cyst rupturing...which is what happens. By the time you had your ultrasound there may have been NO evidence left of it's presence , but that doesnt mean it wasnt there. Ultrasound can only tell you whats in front of you at THAT moment , not what was there , or what will be . Ruptured cysts can be sonographically invisable as little as 48 hours after . I do you hope you get to feeling better :-)Good luck :-)
I get muscular pain in my pelvic area from sitting on my behind at the couch with the laptop especially last few days since I have been getting addicted to! I am better today because of walking a bit, stretching in between etc. Hope yours is also just muscular..and not anything serious!

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