
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Can anyone tell me what this blister type thing is on my daughters foot?

It is round and has black lines underneath it. It has holes in it the shape of a 6 shooter gun. See a pic here - Thanks, John
it's definately a wart. i had one exactly like that on my finger. if its pretty big, using OTC wart burning methods might not be enough because of the size. you could try it, but it might take 3,4,5 tries to get it off. i would go to a physcian and have them freeze/cut it off or recommend what you could do.
Planter's wart perhaps? Take a better picture with you to the pharmasist they might be able to help you more.good luck and clip her toe nails...
could be some kind of infection (?)
the picture is a little blurry on my computer, but it looks to me like a wart or some sort of infection. You should probably take her to a pediatrician.
It is definately a WART!! I used the over-the-counter liquid stuff and then covered it with duct tape when my son had a wart on his foot. Takes a week or two but works wonders.
It's a plantars' wart and over the counter stuff will not work. Go to your doctor so they can freeze it off. Plantar's warts go very deep and can be difficult to remove which is why it's best to see the doctor.
I cant see the picture b/c im at work and the site is blocked... but if its a wart like the others said... I went to the doctor multiple times to have my frozen and it didnt work.. i put Tea Tree Oil on it for a week and itw as gone... 3 years of freezing for NO reason... I highly recommend tea tree oil!
That is definately a Plantars Wart. Have a Dr burn it off, as they can spread to the rest of her feet or everyone elses.
blurry, but probably a wart.

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