
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Can my mom take two hydrocodone/apap 500MG pills.?

she just broke both her arns and her toe and she is in alot of pain. she has taken one a couple hours ago but she says it aint working. would it be safe for her to take two ore would she overdose?
well the hydrocodone is just generic vicodin. I am assuming its hydrocodone apap 5/500mg. The smaller number is the amount of vicodin. the 500mg is the amount of acetaminophen or Tylenol. You can have 1000 mg of tylenol every 4-6 hours. so depending on when she took the last pill. if she took it 4 to 6 hours ago then yes she can take two more. If she only took one pill..lets say for example 2 hours ago then she could take one more, not two.
No one should take neds that are prescribed for another.get her to a doctor and let him/her prescribe fof your mom.
She could take another one now but i would not take two this close to the last one. She should take these every four hours and not wait until the pain comes.
I have before, but only if absolutely necessary. ( I have had a lot of surgeries in the past.) It depends on how often she has taken them before. Your body kind of builds a tolerance to them if you take them a lot. If you take too much they sometimes make your stomach a little upset and can cause you to feel itchy. Be careful - too much acetaminophen can cause liver problems.
She should NOT take more than 5, 500 mg Vicodin pills in 12 hours. There is a chance of addiction. She can though take aspirin with the Vicoden. I believe she can even take Motrin too. Don't take any Tylenol as Vicoden is Hydrocodone with Tylenol and she CAN OD on Tylenol.I had a spinal surgery and I was in severe pain for a while and my pain was always stopped with Vicoden.God bless your mom, I will pray for her rapid recovery and lessening of pain.
I take 2 Vicodin at a time all the time as 1 never helps,she can also take advil inbetween with food ofcourse.But do not exceed 4,000 ml of tylenol a day as you can have liver failure with any more then that.
It is likely that it will result in an overdose. A better idea would be to take the hydro then if the pain hasn't subsided to take Motrin 4 hours later. It's a different kind of painkiller and works on different receptors in the brain. The other thing is that if there is a lot of swelling, that can be causing pressure therefore, causing pain. try icing her arms and toe, one at a time for about 10 minutes on each place that will reduce the swelling and hopefully the pain too. Good Luck
That's a lot, especially if she just took one. Try and get her to wait about three hours between pills. 750 mgs is a usual dose of Vicodin, this is the generic version and two 500mgs are a lot to take, especially this close to the first one.
If she's in this much pain maybe call the doctor and he can get her into an ER and get a shot for her, it would be quicker and work better.

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