"The Texas Department of Health and Human Services (HHSC) administers several programs which provide medical care for."Read #4 (under 'Introduction' on their website -- link below) and tell me if I'm understanding this right. Are illegal immigrants really receiving this? Or am I reading it wrong?
Answer: Unfortuantely thats exactally the way it is. The whole thing just makes me sick. I feel that not only should illegals be denied any and all assistance programs, but they should all be deported and permenantly disqualified from applying for American citizenship.
A good place to start is hospitals. Any illegal who presents themselves for treatment should be detained and deported by the Immigration Officers who would be stationed at every hospital. That includes pregnant illegals and their newborn children, trust me, no mother will leave her new baby behind .
However I still believe that anyone who wants to be here and goes through the legal process should be welcomed. But one strike and their are out forever!
They must do it right the first time or get used to Mexico.
probably. according to the school paperwork my son gets each year, their children are also entitled to free school breakfasts and lunches.
plus parents like myself provide them with their school supplies because the school requires each student bring 5 boxes of crayons, 8 bottles of glue, 6 folders (etc.) on the first day of school. And to "not put our child's name on any of the supplies because we "share" in this school"
all bull crap.
ETA: Sassy, it's the language "immersion" program. They start off the year with the teachers and students speaking 100% spanish and end the year with something like 40/60 English/Spanish. They are doing it at the primary school in our area. Encouraging parents of non-spanish speaking children to participate in it as young as Kindergarden! (which goes against the TEKS that states language programs aren't to start till 3/4th grade)They also say the Pledge in Spanish (after saying it in English) didn't tell the parents about it, when we found out and told our son not to say it in Spanish, he got in trouble for staying silent! When we spoke out against it our son was "selected" to attend another school in the district.
We are seriously considering private instruction for him.
Your not reading it wrong at all.
I myself try to get on my-child but did not qualify.
That's why I have to work a full time job. If it wasn't the help from my family my check would go directly to day care.
We need to tell our congressmen that enough is enough.
You're reading it right and it really disgusts me.
You read it right dear.
You had heard about the young woman who brought her baby to the hospital because the baby had a fever of 103 degrees - the hospital refused the baby any care. The young mother had HMO, and she was required to take her baby across town for treatment. Half way there, her baby died. The fever spiked. I believe they said to 106 degrees.
Would this have happened had she and her baby been here illegally.
Please don't ignore your rights. If you do, you may soon find out that you'll have no rights at all.
I heard that TX schools are now requiring all students to half their days classes taught in English, the other half WILL be taught in Spanish.
Odd, because before, students (and their parents) had to learn English. Oh! Wait.. they came here legally, to become United States citizens. They didn't come here illegally.
What part of illegal do some people NOT understand.
Yes, you read it right and it's not just Texas. There is also WIC and other programs they are allowed to access. We are paying for this...taxpayers and legal immigrants.
Another Bush policy I imagine. His "leave no illegal invader behind. American Taxpayers have it covered so it's all good". You know that Bush policy.